DoFollow/NoFollow Update

I have been remiss in updating the plugins to this blog since the launch.  Thanks to some excessive comment spamming I am now pleased to announce that I have implemented Lucia’s Linky Love DoFollow Plugin.  From here on in all new commenters will be automatically nofollowed for a period of time until you are deemed non-spam. Now back to our regulary scheduled programming.

New Comment Profile Name Policy

Attention new commenters, the spammy name in the comment profile thing has been getting out of hand.  While I am totally interested in what Free Asian Dating Site has to say about using Twitter to market small businesses and what Herbal Viagra and Penis Extender in One Pill has to say about the future of local search, I am not sure my readers are.  So from here on in if I think your comment profile name is spammy I am…

Blogging SMX Local & Mobile 2008

Dateline – SAN FRANCISCO, CA So you want to know what goes on at those fancy local search conferences?  The wheeling.  The dealing.  The geo-location algorithms. Do you stay awake at night dreaming of all of those stars of small business marketing as they walk down the red carpet, pausing only to smile at the paparazzi and wave to their fans in the cheap seats? Would you gladly trade six pack abs for a ten pack ranking, but you can’t…

Weird Keyword Referral of the Day

I love that this site ranks #1 in Google for “charlie rose” “bad suits”.  What exactly was the end goal of the user with that search? I swear I’ll post something local search related soon.

Sorry For The Radio Silence

Been a bit busy to update the blog for a while.  I am working on a good post and should have something soon.  In the meantime take a look at the Soup Nazi, cause no soup for you today!

Keyword Volume: The Overlooked Indicator

My post on Keyword Potential™ generated some great responses and some questions.  I was surprised by the number of emails I have received about Keyword Volume so I thought I’d spend a little bit more time on it. Keyword Volume is defined as the number of phrases that generate search engine referrals for you over a given period of time. When you are tracking the performance of a SEO plan, particularly for large sites, there is a lot of data…

Keyword Potential*: Pull Keyword Needles Out Of Analytics Haystacks

As I mentioned in my post on how to improve page 2 rankings, boosting the performance of keywords you already get traffic for can have a great ROI.  But how do you see beyond analytics data overload to figure out which keywords have the most potential?  Here’s one way to do it: First group your referring keywords by theme.  In Google Analytics use the “containing” filter at the bottom of the Keywords report. (i.e. only show keywords containing the word…

Off Topic: Great Weekend Reading – The Pac Man Master

If you have never read Harper’s Magazine because it’s too screaming liberal for you or you generally don’t read anything that is not presented in pixels, I highly recommend picking up Harper’s July issue for “The Perfect Game: Five Years With The Master of Pac Man” by Joshuah Bearman.  It’s a hilarious read – perfect for the beach or poolside. On experiencing Ms. Pac Man’s “kill screen” : “Out there, the game breaks down, like the laws of physics in…

Released From Akismet Hell

Many thanks to Mark from Akismet who just notified me that I have been released from Akismet Hell.  Look for my extremely pithy comments coming soon to a blog near you. Note to Akismet: One way to avoid this “false positive” issue might be to put first time commenters in a sandbox and notify them that they are one comment away from being considered spam.

Help! I Am In Akismet Hell

For some reason I think Akismet has classified me as a spammer and will not let me comment on other blogs.  I have told a few blogs that I comment on regularly to remove me from their spam blacklist and they have done so but my comments still get put in the spam folder.  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem?