Note to My Readers at SMX Advanced

It made my day yesterday to meet a lot of you and get your feedback on the blog.  If there are any more of you out there in the shadows and you are feeling the need to boost someone’s ego today please come up and give it a shot.

SMX Advanced: Thoughts After Day One At The “Sausage Fest”

There was a good supply of coffee. The food at lunch was a little too salty, but that may be because I have been drinking too much coffee – apparently caffeine can cause your mouth to have a salty taste. The wifi was good. It usually blows at these conferences. Good gathering of SEM pros.  Sort of like walking into a 3D version of Sphinn.  Great networking. Most people I talked with thought the linkbuilding panel was the best and…

SMX Advanced: Yahoo Issues Bot-Herding Standard

Presented by Priyank Garg from Yahoo Standard Across All Engines Robots.txt Disallow Allow Wildcard tags Sitemap location Meta Tags: NoIndex NoFollow NoSnippet NoArchive NOODP Optional Robots.Txt/MetaTags by Engine  Yahoo Crawl delay NOYDIR Robots-nocontent Google UNAVAILABLE AFTER NOTRANSLATE NOIMAGEINDEX MSN     Crawl Delay

SMX Advanced: Kevin Johnson of Microsoft

Google is the elephant in the keynote.  When I worked at NBC we were negotiating with Microsoft to create a WebMD-like service.  I remember the MS guy across the table at one point said “we don’t think you’re prepared to lose money for ten years”.  He was right.  Sounds like Microsoft is prepared to lose money for ten years on search to try and unseat Google. He’s talking a lot about their “cash-back” loyalty program.  Seems to me that Microsoft…

At SMX Advanced

So I think I am going to try and encapsulate each session I attend in only one or two sentences since there will be plenty of other bloggers giving you the blow-by-blow.

Liveblogging SMX Advanced – Maybe

I will be sort of liveblogging SMX Advanced next week – maybe.  I say “maybe” because every attendee at the show will probably be liveblogging it, Twittering it, Sphinning it and generally doing anything they can to make sure you know that this is the most awesome search marketing event in the land.  Maybe I’ll just post some of the greatest hits or something.  If there are any panels you want to hear about let me know. In any case,…

Why I DoFollow My Blog Comments

For those of you who tuned into my discussion with Mr. Internet Poker yesterday I thought it would be helpful to understand why I do not put nofollow tags on links to commenters. My good friend, Mr. Andy Beard, puts it best in his post Why You Should NoFollow Your Blog Comments? So if you want to comment about designer cufflinks, blisters or shipping franchises go ahead, but I am probably going to have to get a bit heavier handed…

Who Do You Meet In The Bathroom?

And I’m not talking about Larry Craig here. Twitter is already starting to pay off. Don Campbell followed me and I in turn followed him. Don tweeted about this summary of an interview with Brad Bird of Pixar about innovation which turned out to be excellent. One of my favorite take-aways about how Steve Jobs designed the Pixar building: “Steve put the mailboxes, the meetings rooms, the cafeteria, and, most insidiously and brilliantly, the bathrooms in the center—which initially drove…