What’s With The New Site?

You may have noticed this big honking new LSGSEO logo in the middle of the homepage. I thought it might merit an explanation. A few years ago, some of the team felt strongly that calling ourselves “Local” SEO Guide made it seem like all we did was Local SEO and was confusing and put people off. The truth was that about 50% of our clients have always come from non-“Local” clients – eCommerce, Media, B2B SaaS, etc. The team also…

Twitter Or Die!

Elon Musk strikes me as something of a prankster, so I am sure he would approve of someone creating a Chrome bookmark that overwrites the new X.com logo with the old Twitter bird logo. So we made one. Here’s how it works:

Tess Voecks Named to MNSearch Board!

We are super proud to let you all know that our very own Tess Voecks, our VP of Marketing & Operations, was recently named as an Assistant Director to the board of MNSearch! MNSearch is one of the longest-running regional SEO groups in the U.S.. Tess will bring her expertise in all things SEO and Project Management to the group. We look forward to seeing her do great things with them. Speaking of which, Tess will be speaking this week…

Yandex Local SEO Ranking Factors!

The SEO community has been poring through the leak of Yandex’ codebase providing some great analysis. If this is your thing, I highly recommend following Martin McDonald, Mike King, Ryan Jones, and Alex Buraks as they continue to share nuggets of how Yandex search works. I thought I would do my part by focusing on the Local Search factors that have thus far been exposed. UPDATE: Don’t read this crap. https://yandex-explorer.herokuapp.com/search?q=geo&o=all is much more useful. So LSG is pleased to present…

Some Cool SEO Uses For ChatGPT

Over the past month, there have been a number of articles about how to use ChatGPT’s AI to improve SEO productivity. So I figured it was my duty to pile on. Here now I present 22 cool SEO things you can do with ChatGPT:  1. Generate quick breadcrumb navigation HTML for web pages 2. Identify schema markup 3. Generate structured JSON-LD structured data 4. Generating Regex statements These can be useful in a few ways such as plugging them into…

Are Local Packs Dropping From Google SERPs?

A few days ago, some SEOs started to suspect that Local Packs had disappeared from a lot of Google results: I noticed today a bunch of keywords no longer show local packs and thought it was just me. — Joy Hawkins (@JoyanneHawkins) October 26, 2022 We were curious if this was the case. We have certainly seen a lot of volatility in local search results over the past year. So we checked out our trusty Local-Pack-O-Meter, which tracks 60 million…

We’re #4,678!

LSG has been on quite a ride over the past few years. We have grown from a scrappy team of 10 SEOs to a scrappy team of almost 30. I guess we were helped along by COVID pushing the entire planet online, but it wouldn’t have been possible without a great team of geeks and nerds who are passionate about this very strange form of marketing called “SEO”.

Marketers Calling Attention to Bulls#%t, As Usual

Except this time the bullshit is not some miracle DTC kitchen gadget or a $250 course on how to rank #1 in Google. The bullshit I want to call attention to just happened at the United States Supreme Court when it reversed Roe v. Wade and set the country on a path to outlawing abortion. We are not here to get into an argument with anyone on the pros and cons of abortion. We are here to play the hand…

Panic Buying Is The New Backlink

One of the benefits of society freaking out about a particular topic is that it can drive online behavior that affects SEO performance. For example, currently over the past few weeks, we have been experiencing a shortage of baby formula.