Yandex Local SEO Ranking Factors!

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by andrewsho

Special Meme Operation

The SEO community has been poring through the leak of Yandex’ codebase providing some great analysis. If this is your thing, I highly recommend following Martin McDonald, Mike King, Ryan Jones, and Alex Buraks as they continue to share nuggets of how Yandex search works. I thought I would do my part by focusing on the Local Search factors that have thus far been exposed.

UPDATE: Don’t read this crap. is much more useful.

So LSG is pleased to present this special blogging operation on the Yandex Local SEO Ranking Factors. We have identified 154 local-related factors thus far and have added our guesses at their interpretation for the first 10. We may go through the whole thing and add more thoughts, but frankly, like Russia, it seems like royal PITA:

  1. GeoCityProxim
    Description: “means the coincidence of the region mentioned in the request and found sites at the level of the regions. The Binari factor: 1- SPECTIONS, 0-not. Based on (( Yandexpois/ Classification of Sytovastrans/heographic/heographic/ge Using the Geoklassification of sites))”
    What I Think This Means: 
    If the search query contains a known “region” and the index contains sites that are associated with that region.
  2. GeoRegionProxim
    Description:“The document does not have all the words of the request (with the exact synonym)”
    What I Think This Means: It’s not clear if this means they check to see if a document (aka “webpage”) does not have all of the words pertaining to the Region in the search query (e.g. the search contained “New York City” so they check to see if a page has that exact phrase) or if it means all of the words in the search query (e.g. “New York City pizza”) are on the page. I am also guessing “exact synonym” is a translation thing where in Russian this means “the exact word or phrase”.
  3. XGeoLRlogRele
    Description: “LOG (LR, narrowed to the country of the user)”
    What I Think This Means: “LR” stands for “link relevance” so this likely means does the page have links from other pages that are located and/or relevant to the country of the user. This could be helpful if a given query might benefit from what your fellow citizens think? (i.e. If I live in Barbados, maybe I am more interested in what my fellow Barbadans think is the best chargeable coffee mug v people in St. Croix?
  4. Geo
    Description:” Indicates a match between the user’s region and the site at the country level. The factor is binary: 1-match, 0-no. Based on ((ЯндексПоиск/КлассификацияСайтовИСтраниц/Географическая/ИспользованиеВПоиске geoclassification of sites)) ”
    What I Think This Means: Whether or not the site is located in the same country as the user.
  5. GeoRegionalityV
    Description:” V- geovital – regional issuance is fundamental ”
    What I Think This Means: ?
  6. GeoRelevRegionCountry
    Description:” Three levels of matching user and page geography ”
    What I Think This Means: The three levels seem to be Country, Region & City. So this factor may be whether or not the page is relevant to the country of the user, but I don’t have a guess as to why “Region” is in the name of this factor.
  7. XLRGeoRelevRegionCountry
    Description:” Three levels of link and query region matching ”
    What I Think This Means: The relevance of the link to the country of implied by the query.
  8. UrlGeoCity
    Description:” The URL of the document corresponds to the user’s city ” Based on:
    What I Think This Means: The URL of the document corresponds to the user’s city. Duh.
  9. GeoRelevAlienCity
    Description:” The result has a geo-reference that does not match the user’s geography at the city level ([415]==1 && [215]==0) ”
    What I Think This Means: The page references a location different than the user’s location at the city level.
  10. GeoCityUrlHasCity
    Description:” The geo-referencing of the city level is defined for the url according to BUKI-1125 rules ” Based on:
    What I Think This Means: The URL of the page contains a reference to a city as defined by whatever the BUKI-1125 rules are.
  11. UrlGeoAdms
    Description:” The document URL corresponds to the user’s region(s) (( /JandeksPoisk/KachestvoPoiska/geo/RegNavQueries)) ” Based on:
  12. IsGeo
    Description:” Releases to base searches under the isgeo name the maximum weight of the encountered geo-object in the query. By geo-object we understand an object of category Geo, Geo1, GeoAddr, GeoAddr1, LandMark, LandMark1 (see (( som’s markup)).(( Details)) ” Based on:
  13. XLerfGeoLRlogRelevCnt
    Description:” Regionalized version of XLerfGeoLRlogRelev factor (only links from the country of the request are taken) ” Based on:
  14. GeoRegionalityR
    Description:” R- georelevant – regional results in the output could be useful, but no more than that “
  15. GeoRegionalityU
    Description:” Query factors – the result of (( query geolocalization classifier))U- geo-relevant – regional output by query is meaningless “
  16. GeoRegionalityVNew
    Description:” Query factors – result (( query geolocalization classifier)) – new version of factors [328]-[330]: V – geolocal – regional issuance is fundamental. “
  17. GeoRegionalityUNew
    Description:” Query factors – result (( query geolocalization classifier)) – new version of factors [328]-[330]: U – geo-relevant – regional query output is meaningless; “
  18. GeoRegionalityRNew
    Description:” Query factors – result (( query geolocalization classifier)) – new version of factors [328]-[330]: R – georelevant – regional results in the output could be useful, but no more than that; “
  19. FractionOfQueriesWithGeoPredicted
    Description:” Predicting the proportion of queries with geography by the bag of words built for a query “
  20. RandomLogHostGeoRegionalityVNewPerc90
    Description:” PERCENTALE_90 aggregation of GeoRegionalityVNew web factor using random log ” Based on:
  21. PageRegionCoverageGeo
    Description:” PageRegionCoverage factor by geo attribute “
  22. URLClicksMaxGeoRegionOnlyFRCRatio
    Description:” Normalized corrected clicks maximum ratio by query with user’s city(gc=) mentioned equal to user’s region ” Based on:
  23. URLClicksMaxGeoRegionFRCRatio
    Description:” Normalized corrected clicks maximum ratio by query with user’s city(gc=) mentioned equal by region ” Based on:
  24. URLClicksMaxGeoCityFRCRatio
    Description:” Normalized corrected clicks maximum ratio by query with user’s city(gc=) mentioned ” Based on:
  25. URLClicksMaxGeoAlienCityFRCRatio
    Description:” Normalized corrected clicks maximum ratio by query with not user’s city(gc=) mentioned ” Based on:
  26. URLClicksMaxGeoCityFRCWeight
    Description:” Normalized corrected clicks count by query with user’s city(gc=) mentioned ” Based on:
  27. GeoCityProxim
    Description:” Means matching the region mentioned in the query and the found sites at the region level. The factor is binary: 1-match, 0-no. Based on ((ЯндексПоиск/КлассификацияСайтовИСтраниц/Географическая/ИспользованиеВПоиске geoclassification of sites)) “
  28. GeoCityUrlRegionCity
    Description:” Matching geography defined from document url and query city (ip or lr) ” Based on:
  29. GeoCityUrlRegionRegion
    Description:” Matching geography defined from document url and query area (ip or lr) ” Based on:
  30. GeoCityUrlGeoCityCity
    Description:” Match the geography defined from the document url and the city in the query (GeoCity rule) ” Based on:
  31. XGeoLRlogRelev
    Description:” log(LR, narrowed by the user’s country) “
  32. XLerfGeoLRlogRelev
    Description:” log(LerfLR, narrowed to the user’s country) “
  33. GeoVQueryInUserCityGeoa
    Description:” GeoVQueryInUserCity factor by geoa attribute “
  34. GeoVQueryInAlienCityGeoa
    Description:” GeoVQueryInAlienCity factor by geoa attribute “
  35. GeoVQueryInAlienCity
    Description:” Geovitability of the query for results not from the user’s region “
  36. GeoVQueryInUserCity
    Description:” Geovitability of the query for results from the user’s region “
  37. GeoRelevAlienCityGeoa
    Description:” GeoRelevAlienCity factor by geoa attribute “
  38. GeoGeometryProxim
    Description:” Geographical proximity of the user and the site “
  39. GeoCountryCountryProxim
    Description:” Geographical proximity of the country of the site and the country of the request “
  40. GeoCountryProxim
    Description:” Geographic proximity “
  41. GeoGeometryProximGeoa
    Description:” GeoGeometryProxim factor by geoa attribute “
  42. PageRegionSizeGeo
    Description:” Factor PageRegionSize by attribute geo “
  43. GeoRelevRegionRegionGeoa
    Description:” Factor GeoRelevRegionRegion by attribute geoa “
  44. GeoRelevRegionCityGeoa
    Description:” Factor GeoRelevRegionCity by geoa attribute “
  45. GeoRelevRegionCityAdresa
    Description:” Factor GeoRelevRegionCity by attribute adresa “
  46. GeoDispersion
    Description:” Dispersion of document reference regions “
  47. DBMGeo
    Description:” DBM separately by geo-request objects “
  48. GeoCityUrlHasCountry
    Description:” Country level geo-referencing is defined for the url according to BUKI-1125 rules ” Based on:
  49. GeoCityUrlRegionCountry
    Description:” Coincidence of geography, defined from document url and country of request (ip or lr). Relevant for Russia and Ukraine. ”
    Based on:
  50. RandomLogHostURLClicksMaxGeoRegionFRCRatioAvg
    Description:” AVG aggregation of URLClicksMaxGeoRegionFRCRatio web factor using random log ” Based on:
  51. CityQuery
    Description: ” When answering a query, the results within the city are important (the bulk of localizable queries) “
  52. DoppQueryUrlSessionClicksFRCCity
    Description: ” What part (on average per session) of clicked on this request with user’s city added to it is this url. It is counted by user’s sessions. ” Based on:
  53. OwnerSatisfied4Rate_Reg
    Description: ” This is SEA factor = s4_r/ (k_r+10) where s4_r – number of clicks > 180 sec, k_r – total number of clicks. It is calculated taking into account the reformulations. Localized version ” Based on:
  54. AuxTextBM25
    Description: ” BM25 by user region for localizable queries, for non-localizable queries in CUBE – country. Texts of queries sent for regions can be viewed in relev_regions.txt in the wizard “
  55. SpecificalQuery
    Description: ” The query is locale-specific. The query is often reformulated with an explicit region assignment. (( more info)) “
  56. TrashAdv
    Description: ” The publicity of the page ” Based on:
  57. WeightedUnMatchUrlPredictedAndUserRegion
    Description: ” The probability that the region predicted by the yweb/robot/urlgeo_ml model is correct, assuming the predicted city ” Based on:
  58. IsLocalProbability
    Description: ” The meaning of the locality classifier for the query “
  59. LanguageGoodForTurkey
    Description: ” The language of the document is one of the allowed for Turkey (Turkish, English, German, French, Arabic, Azeri) or the document has zero length. At the search stage it is calculated only for IsRealGeoLocal queries. “
  60. UBLongPeriodDtUrlHChildrenCut600Reg
    Description: ” Static URL factor from browser logs for the maximum period. The average time spent on the page and in all the descendants of the page (URLs to which were navigated) from the host. Cut if total Dt is more than 10 minutes. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  61. USLongPeriodUrlDt3600AvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions over 1600 days. Average DwellTime, with DwellTime from session truncated if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  62. USLongPeriodUrlLongClickProbReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. The probability that the click on the URL will be more than 120 seconds. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  63. USLongPeriodUrlCtrReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. Normal Ctr. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  64. USLongPeriodUrlShowsReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. Logarithm of the number of impressions. Localization to the country level. ” Based on:
  65. USLongPeriodUrlPositionAvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. Average URL position for all queries. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  66. USLongPeriodUrlMobileDt3600AvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days calculated by mobile sessions. Average DwellTime, and DwellTime from session is truncated if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  67. USLongPeriodUrlMobileDt180AvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days calculated by mobile sessions. Average DwellTime, and DwellTime from session is truncated if more than 180 seconds. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  68. UBLongPeriodLeavesCntReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by browser logs for maximum period. The number of leaves in the URL subtree. In this case leaves are pages from which there were no jumps. Localization to the country level. ” Based on:
  69. UBLongPeriodSearchPercentEndReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by browser logs for maximal period. See wiki for factor calculation formula. Localization to country level. ” Based on:”
  70. IsRelevLocaleWORLD
    Description: ” relev_locale == world ” Based on:
  71. IsRelevLocaleUZ
    Description: ” relev_local == uz ” Based on:
  72. IsRelevLocaleUA
    Description: ” relev_local == ua ” Based on:
  73. IsRelevLocaleRU
    Description: ” relev_local == ru ” Based on:
  74. IsRelevLocaleKZ
    Description: ” relev_local == kz ” Based on:
  75. IsRelevLocaleID
    Description: ” relev_local == id ” Based on:
  76. IsRelevLocaleBY
    Description: ” relev_local == by ” Based on:
  77. Regionality5LocalizationProbability
    Description: ” Predicting the probability that the query is localizable according to the Regionality5 rule. ” Based on:
  78. RandomLogOwnerLinkAnnFloatMultiplicityAttenV1Bm15K001LogAvg
    Description: ” Owner aggregation of LinkAnnFloatMultiplicityAttenV1Bm15K001 web factor using random log, aggregation type is LOGAVG ” Based on:
  79. BrowserHostCntDwellTimeLog
    Description: ” Logarithm of the average time a user was on a host with localization by country; calculated from Yabar logs ” Based on:
  80. IsRelevLocaleTR
    Description: ” local_report == tr ” Based on:
  81. LinkAnnLinkAnnFloatMultiplicityPerWordAMMaxValueMin
    Description: ” Linguistic Boosting Factor. Factor: PerWordAMMaxValueMin by Stream FloatMultiplicity of the LinkAnn index ” Based on:
  82. LinkAnnFloatMultiplicityAttenV1Bm15K001
    Description: ” Linguistic Boosting Factor. Factor: AttenV1Bm15K001 by Stream FloatMultiplicity of the LinkAnn index ” Based on:
  83. RequestWithRegionNameLinkAnnFloatMultiplicityCMMatchTop5AvgMatchValue
    Description: ” Linguistic Boosting Factor. Extension type: RequestWithRegionName. Factor: CMMatchTop5AvgMatchValue by Stream FloatMultiplicity of the LinkAnn index ” Based on:
  84. RequestWithRegionNameLinkAnnFloatMultiplicityAnnotationMaxValue
    Description: ” Linguistic Boosting Factor. Extension type: RequestWithRegionName. Factor: AnnotationMaxValue by Stream FloatMultiplicity of the LinkAnn index ” Based on:
  85. Longitude
    Description: ” Geographical longitude of the city from where the query was made ” Based on:
  86. Latitude
    Description: ” Geographical latitude of the city from where the request was made ” Based on:
  87. DistanceToMagadan
    Description: ” Distance from the city where the request was made to Magadan ” Based on:
  88. DistanceToAnkara
    Description: ” Distance from the city from which the request was made to Ankara ” Based on:
  89. CountryQueryRegionality
    Description: ” Country localizability classifier – how much the query implies the country context “
  90. RandomLogHostIsRelevLocaleUAAvg
    Description: ” AVG aggregation of IsRelevLocaleUA web factor using random log ” Based on:
  91. RandomLogHostIsRelevLocaleKZAvg
    Description: ” AVG aggregation of IsRelevLocaleKZ web factor using random log ” Based on:
  92. DoppUrlPCTR_Reg
    Description: ” An analogue of QueryUrlClicksPCTR factor, differs from it in that queries are normalized by doppelgangers (details of such normalization are in (( Andrei Plakhov)), code – ysite/yandex/doppelgangers). Localized to relev_regions.web.txt “
  93. DoppDOwnerPCTR_Reg
    Description: ” An analogue of QueryDOwnerClicksPCTR factor, differs from it in that queries are normalized by doppelgangers (details of such normalization are in (( Andrei Plakhov)), code -ysite/yandex/doppelgangers). Localized to relev_regions.web.txt “
  94. HasDeterminedCities
    Description: ” A city is defined for the site “
  95. UrlHasShortCountryNameToken
    Description: ” The url contains a token that matches the short name of the user’s country. The factor counts only on the EU thread. “
  96. CountryHourDiversity
    Description: ” The severity of querying at different times of the day (within the country) ” Based on:
  97. NationalLanguage
    Description: ” The language of the document corresponds to the country of the request “
  98. CountryHour
    Description: ” The hour in which this request is most frequently asked ” Based on:
  99. NationalDomain
    Description: ” The country of the document (domain) and the country of the user are the same (( details)) “
  100. UBLongPeriodDtUrlHChildrenCut600Reg
    Description: ” Static URL factor from browser logs for the maximum period. The average time spent on the page and in all the descendants of the page (URLs to which were navigated) from the host. Cut if total Dt is more than 10 minutes. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  101. USLongPeriodUrlDt3600AvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions over 1600 days. Average DwellTime, with DwellTime from session truncated if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  102. USLongPeriodUrlLongClickProbReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. The probability that the click on the URL will be more than 120 seconds. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  103. USLongPeriodUrlCtrReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. Normal Ctr. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  104. USLongPeriodUrlShowsReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. Logarithm of the number of impressions. Localization to the country level. ” Based on:
  105. USLongPeriodUrlPositionAvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days. Average URL position for all queries. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  106. USLongPeriodUrlMobileDt3600AvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days calculated by mobile sessions. Average DwellTime, and DwellTime from session is truncated if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  107. USLongPeriodUrlMobileDt180AvgReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by search sessions for 1600 days calculated by mobile sessions. Average DwellTime, and DwellTime from session is truncated if more than 180 seconds.  Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  108. UBLongPeriodLeavesCntReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by browser logs for maximum period. The number of leaves in the URL subtree. In this case leaves are pages from which there were no jumps. Localization to the country level. ” Based on:
  109. UBLongPeriodSearchPercentEndReg
    Description: ” Static URL factor by browser logs for maximal period. See wiki for factor calculation formula. Localization to country level. ” Based on:
  110. RegexMaxClickPercentReg
    Description: ” Share of clicks on a given url among all clicks on similar queries, country version, see (( indexregex)) ” Based on:
  111. RegWordHostClicksSum
    Description: ” Relative clickability of countryId-word-host triplets according to Yandex searches. ” Based on:
  112. RegWordHostYabarSum
    Description: ” Relative clickability of countryId-word-host triplets according to data from popular search engines according to Bara and SimilarGroup logs. ” Based on:
  113. LocmCnt
    Description: ” Regionalized (only links from the country of the request are taken) variant of Locm factor ” Based on:
  114. XLRrelevCnt
    Description: ” Regionalized (only links from the country of request are taken) variant of XLRrelev factor ” Based on:
  115. XLerfLRrelev200Cnt
    Description: ” Regionalized (only links from the country of request are taken) variant of XLerfLRrelev200 factor ” Based on:
  116. XNonCommLerfNormLRlogRelevCnt
    Description: ” Regionalized (only links from request country are taken) variant of XNonCommLerfNormLRlogRelev factor ” Based on:
  117. DssmQueryCountryToUrlEstimatedDistance
    Description: ” Predicted by the query and country, using dssm-model the length of the click from the given country. ” Based on:
  118. CountryPopularQ
    Description: ” Popularity of the request within the country ” Based on:
  119. RandomLogHostCountryQueryRegionalityPerc90
    Description: ” PERCENTALE_90 aggregation of CountryQueryRegionality web factor using random log ” Based on:
  120. DssmBertDistillSinsigCeCountryRegChain
    Description: ” Model trained on PRS-log pool on Bert’s prediction trained on sinsig_ce with a threshold of 0.5, using a chain of regions to country “
  121. RandomLogHostDssmQueryCountryToUrlEstimatedDistanceMax
    Description: ” MAX aggregation of DssmQueryCountryToUrlEstimatedDistance web factor using random log ” Based on:
  122. RandomLogHostCountryHourLogAvg
    Description: ” LOGAVG aggregation of CountryHour web factor using random log ” Based on:
  123. BrowserHostCntDwellTimeLog
    Description: ” Logarithm of the average time a user was on a host with localization by country; calculated from Yabar logs ” Based on:
  124. CountryQDiversity2
    Description: ” Geographical distribution of the request within the country ” Based on:
  125. CountryQDiversity
    Description: ” Degree of centralization of the points from which the request is made (within the country) ” Based on:
  126. CountryQueryRegionality
    Description: ” Country localizability classifier – how much the query implies the country context “
  127. RegexCtrReg
    Description: ” corrected CTR of this url for all similar queries, country version, see (( indexregex)) ” Based on:

There are some SEOs getting their undergarments in a bunch as I guess there are Einsteins out there claiming understanding these factors will help you rank well in Google. That’s probably a stretch, but going through this list can definitely give you some ideas of things to test.  Have you figured out your DistanceToMagadan yet?

Big shout out to Michael King at Search Engine Land for the analysis of the different weight factors, you can read more about his breakdown here.

If you are looking for additional insights into the Yandex leak, check out:


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