Tess Voecks Named to MNSearch Board!

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by andrewsho

Tess VoecksMNSearch Logo

We are super proud to let you all know that our very own Tess Voecks, our VP of Marketing & Operations, was recently named as an Assistant Director to the board of MNSearch!

MNSearch is one of the longest-running regional SEO groups in the U.S.. Tess will bring her expertise in all things SEO and Project Management to the group. We look forward to seeing her do great things with them.

Speaking of which, Tess will be speaking this week at MNSearch Summit on Friday, June 16th. Her session is called “Scale Your Agency with Project Management.” Brace yourself for an enlightening session where you’ll discover a series of easy-to-implement techniques that will revolutionize the way you approach projects and help you scale your agency. Here’s a breakdown of what she has in store for attendees:

Choose the Perfect Project Management Platform:
Tess will guide you through the process of selecting the ideal project management platform that suits your agency’s unique needs. Whether it’s Trello, Asana, or ClickUp, you’ll learn the secrets to finding a platform that streamlines collaboration, enhances communication, and simplifies task management. Harnessing the power of a robust project management platform will enable your team to stay organized, track progress effortlessly, and foster seamless collaboration.

Master the Art of Breaking Tasks into Sub-Tasks:
Breaking down projects into smaller, bite-sized tasks is a game-changer when it comes to project management. Tess will share her expertise on effectively dissecting projects into sub-tasks, making them more manageable and less overwhelming. This approach empowers your team to focus on efficiency, understand resource utilization, and refine processes. By mastering the art of breaking tasks into sub-tasks, you’ll ensure a smoother project flow and improved team productivity.

Leverage Your Team and Company Resources:
Tess will reveal valuable insights on optimizing your team and company resources to drive project success. You’ll discover strategies to effectively delegate tasks, assign roles based on individual strengths, and foster a collaborative environment that sparks innovation. By tapping into the collective expertise and skills within your team, you’ll unlock a whole new level of productivity and efficiency, propelling your agency forward.

Optimize Processes for Enhanced Efficiency:
In her presentation, Tess will highlight the significance of process optimization in project management. You’ll learn how to identify bottlenecks, eliminate unnecessary steps, and streamline workflows to maximize efficiency. By fine-tuning your processes, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and ensure smooth project execution. Get ready to streamline operations and witness a significant boost in your agency’s productivity.

Embrace Automation for Team Efficiency:
Tess will unveil the power of automation in project management, showing you how to leverage technology to make your team more efficient. Discover how automation tools and software can handle repetitive tasks, send reminders, generate reports, and streamline communication. By automating routine processes, your team can focus on high-value activities, driving productivity and freeing up time for more strategic initiatives.

Tess’ presentation at MnSearch Summit 2023 promises to be packed with actionable insights to revolutionize your project management approach. By implementing the techniques learned, such as selecting the right project management platform, breaking tasks into sub-tasks, leveraging team resources, optimizing processes, and embracing automation, you’ll witness remarkable improvements in your agency’s efficiency and scalability.


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