Questions From The Peanut Gallery?

For all of my readers who are not at the Kelsey conference feel free to ping me with any questions you would like me to ask any of the speakers. Info on the speakers here.

Late to the Kelsey Party

Just got here.  Sorry readers and Rob Barret whose keynote I just walked in on.  Will start spewing forth local search gems shortly.

Dental Marketing Tip of the Day

I just got some referrals from Google for the following search “dentists in pleasanton who use nitrous oxide”. If you have a dental website I strongly advise you adding the term “nitrous oxide” to your pages, and any other narcotic you use. You may be able to snare some potential customers who enjoy a good buzz.

Local SEO Takes To The Streets

I was sitting on the above bench in front of the Porto Rico Importing Co. on Thompson St. in NYC this afternoon (great coffee btw) on a conference call with a new client. When I hung up I realized someone had been sitting next to me for quite some time eating her lunch and listening in. “How did I do?” I asked my new companion. “What do you do? Work on those web sites or somethin’?” she inquired. I explained…

In Memory of Danny Federici

Nothing local or SEO about this.  I just heard that Danny Federici, keyboard player for the E Street Band, died yesterday.  The iPod will be tuned to Springsteen for the rest of the day in memory, particulary “The River”.

SEO Keyword Research Basics

If you have ever wondered why you should hire a SEO expert instead of doing it yourself, check out Jill Whalen’s two informative how-to pieces on the basics of keyword research. If you read the articles you will get an idea of how much time and grunt-work is involved. None of it is rocket science, but there definitely is a science to it. Thanks to Jill and a happy Friday to you all. Hunting for Keyword Phrases Creating a Keyword…

Spitzer, EmperorsClubVIP & Local SEO

I know what you’re thinking – how is he going to tie these unrelated concepts together? Well, just as it took the IRS to uncover a connection between Elliot Spitzer and the Emperors Club VIP escort service, it also takes a true SEO obsessive to tie these two headline grabbers to local search engine optimization and search engine marketing.