How To Get to The Top of Sphinn on Your First Try

Typically when I recommend viral marketing techniques to my clients I get blank stares in return. Viral marketing campaigns sound very interesting in theory, but actually connecting the dots and executing them seems to require an imagination that is outside the scope of some very imaginative people. So I am hoping that this post can serve as a “how-to” guide for a viral marketing campaign that I can point people to which will help them connect the dots. Please forgive the excruciating detail.

I made it ma! Top of the world of Sphinn!

At this point these posts have little to do with local search but maybe there’s a lesson in viral marketing here for you, my dear reader. Today, at T minus 9 days, this little blog made it to the top of Sphinn. It only lasted for a few minutes until I was bumped off by a much more deserving post on an interview with Todd Malicoat about the search engine optimization business but I am pretty psyched about it nonetheless.…

Andy Beard – StumbleUpon Update – Welcome Sphinners.

For those of you on the edge of your seats, as of 11:50am Pacific I have now received 116 referrals from Andy Beard’s mention of my site on StumbleUpon. Interestingly a couple of other Stumblers picked up on Andy’s link and sent me a little bit of traffic including SebastianX, Beagooddad, and Chris Garrett. I am also starting to see a trickle of referrals from the StumbleUpon app on Facebook. And what’s pretty nice is that I have received 34…

The Power of Andy Beard & StumbleUpon

I am not officially open for business as you can see from the sad state of these pages but this afternoon I checked my stats and noticed that I was starting to get a lot of visitors from this page on StumbleUpon. Andy Beard, one of the most interesting search engine optimization bloggers I follow, apparently found my site via the magic of the Internet and reviewed it. This link has sent me 56 unique visitors so far today (not…

I’ll see you at SMX Local

I’ll be speaking on the Community-Driven Local Search panel. If you’re going to be there and want to connect please drop me an email at localseo at