Judysbook R.I.P.

In case you’re interested and hadn’t seen the news, Judysbook, one of the original “social-local” search companies, is shutting down most of its operations and looking for a buyer. More on this story at TechCrunch.

Blogrush Inactive Now Active

For those of you who have been following this story, Blogrush’s CEO, John Reese, looked into my case and found that my Blogrush account was deactivated because of a typo I made in their system. I am now activated again. On what must be an insane day for him, I appreciate the effort John made to take care of this and I will be putting Blogrush back up shortly. When all of this started I thought this would make a…

Blogrush Inactive – They’ve Got That Right.

Sorry for the deviation from local search but this just in – You may have noticed I had been running a Blogrush widget on the side of these pages over the past couple of weeks. Not anymore. I just got an email from Blogrush saying that my account has been made “inactive” because this blog has “not enough unique content”. Now let me get this straight – I write nothing but unique content every day for a month with a…

Why Blogs Don’t Have To Suck

This isn’t much of a local post, although it is relevant to any small business who has tried to blog or is considering it as a marketing strategy.  My new online bud, Andy Beard, whom I met via blogging, has a post up called “Why Blogs Suck” with a number of good points about why the return on the blogging investment can be depressingly low.  Andy should know as he has been doing it for some time and he clearly…

Keyword Expansion Is The New R&D: SMX Local Update

I had a great conversation at SMX Local with Mark Barrera of Franklin-Spirko , a SEO/PR firm in Frisco, TX, on the topic of what I call “Keyword Expansion” – the art of coming up with new keywords that you can use to attract qualified search traffic that you didn’t have in your original business plan.

Microsoft Expo Can Help You Rank in Google: SMX Local Update

I am having lunch with Mary Bowling, SEO Expert from Blizzard Internet Marketing, and I asked her for one of her “secret sauce” tips and she gave me a good one: She posted the business info from one of her tourism clients on Microsoft’s Windows Live Expo, Microsoft’s version of Google Base, and pretty quickly thereafter she noticed that her client was now ranking on page 2 of Google for some pretty competitive terms. Apparently there are not many businesses…

Welcome to the Local SEO Guide Launch Party!

Since we’ve sort of already launched this is a little anticlimactic but you’ve got to start somewhere. I hope you find this blog to be extremely helpful to growing your business via the Internet. At the very least it will hopefully be as fun to read as it is to write. Ok let’s get to business. In celebration of the launch I am offering three prizes of $250 each in paid search marketing courtesy of Voicestar and Weblistic. Get details…

Blogging SMX Local in Denver – Local SEO Guide

Just to let you guys know that not only will I be speaking at SMX Local, but also I will be blogging SMX Local too. I’ll try not to do that live-blogging stuff but rather I will hopefully provide recaps of some of the sessions and interesting encounters that occur. Send me an email at localseo at localseoguide.com if there’s something in particular that you’d like to hear about from the show.

Sphinn – Andy Beard – StumbleUpon Update

Yesterday was this pre-blog’s biggest day yet with 395 unique visitors. I haven’t quite figured out yet how to parse the StumbleUpon referrers as it looks like I am getting stumbled/voted for along with getting actual visitors to the site. According to the stats SU has sent 1,103 referrals to me. Sphinn has sent 171 but it keeps chugging along. My post now has 43 Sphinns (votes) and I am starting to get some RSS subscribers – 19 as of…