Sphinn – Andy Beard – StumbleUpon Update

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by andrewsho

Yesterday was this pre-blog’s biggest day yet with 395 unique visitors. I haven’t quite figured out yet how to parse the StumbleUpon referrers as it looks like I am getting stumbled/voted for along with getting actual visitors to the site. According to the stats SU has sent 1,103 referrals to me. Sphinn has sent 171 but it keeps chugging along. My post now has 43 Sphinns (votes) and I am starting to get some RSS subscribers – 19 as of this morning. Not a bad start. A big thanks to Andy Beard and the Stumblers and Sphinners who paid some attention to me.

If you want to see all of my blog’s stats I am keeping them open using Mint. Here they are.


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