The Power of Andy Beard & StumbleUpon

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by andrewsho

I am not officially open for business as you can see from the sad state of these pages but this afternoon I checked my stats and noticed that I was starting to get a lot of visitors from this page on StumbleUpon. Andy Beard, one of the most interesting search engine optimization bloggers I follow, apparently found my site via the magic of the Internet and reviewed it. This link has sent me 56 unique visitors so far today (not huge but seeing as my biggest previous day was 6 uniques it still feels like hockey-stick growth). The moral of the story: a powerful reputation (Andy) + a powerful social network (StumbleUpon) = traffic.

If I were really on the ball I would challenge all other SEO/marketing blog gurus (e.g. , Michael Gray, Rand Fishkin, Aaron Wall, Tadeusz Szewczyk, Lance Loveday, Dazzlin Donna, Bill Slawski, Tropical SEO, Dosh Dosh, anyone on Sphinn, etc.) to see if they could do better with a StumbleUpon review. But really I am not open for business yet…so don’t do anything crazy. Honest.

9/25 Update: If you want to see how this whole crazy thing got started check out How To Get to the Top of Sphinn on Your First Try. If you want to see how much traffic this whole thing generated look at my stats here.


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