An Open Letter To Kamikaze Web Developers

  • #ecommerce
  • #google
  • #linkbuilding
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by andrewsho

painful, isn’t it?

I like helping my clients.  I do.  It’s nice to be needed.

That said, I’d much rather help my clients figure out some crazy new strategy v. trying to bring them back to life after someone pushed live some code that totally tanks their search engine traffic.

Mistakes happen, but if you are about to release some code and you have not had someone who knows their stuff do a SEO QA check, then you are a true kamikaze and there’s a good chance some SEO guy will be lighting his cigarette off of your smoking remains.

Surgeon General’s Warning: Smoking can cause lung cancer, bad breath, teeth staining, a general feeling of malaise and can make the smoker look really cool.


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