Is Open For Business

My bud Tim Tevlin has just started video seo biz at Tim has done some great SMB video SEO work with me in the past so if you are looking for some help in that area I recommend checking him out.

Is The YouTube SEO Guy Smoking Crack?

Full disclosure: this post was written late at night under the influence of a free streaming music site with healthy doses of Them, Leonard Cohen, Kruder & Dorfmeister, & Portishead.  No volcano vaporizer was harmed in the making of this post. The effectiveness of nofollow tags has been the subject of epic debate on the SEO blog of record as well as on the other ten million and growing SEO blogs of record.  I guess if Google were using them…

Mixpo Is Pretty Cool

Just ran into Anupam Gupta, CEO of Mixpo.  I had caught a demo of Mixpo earlier today and was fairly impressed with what they have created.  Basically Mixpo is a simple online video creation tool for SMBs, or more precisely for companies that sell to SMBs.  Mixpo has set up several reseller relationships that are starting to sell their service. Every day it seems like there is another SMB video player (it’s starting to remind me of the IYP space),…

Merchant Circle Offers Free Video With Spotzer

Just sat down at the Kelsey Conference with Darren Waddell of Merchant Circle and Andy Klein of Spotzer to discuss their recent announcement that they will be offering free online videos to SMBs on Basically the way the system works is that you go to your profile page and by agreeing to get a video, Spotzer will instantly create a pre-made video for your business category and add your data (e.g., business name, phone number, etc.) to the video.…

Local Search Ranking Tactics – Steve Espinosa of

Use your keywords in your business name Create a separate page on your website for your video and use a description with your keywords If you have a video and listing on a search results page you get 3.3 times the attention that you get from an ad or a single organic search result. The more Web citations (your business name appearing in text on various pages) you have the more likely you are to rank higher Look at the…

DDL: Anupam Gupta of Mixpo

Coming into this one late unfortunately.  Mixpo is provides an easy way to create web videos for marketing. Mixpo provides a dashboard to help measure the effectiveness of the video.  You can click on a video from a campaign to get impressions, views and conversions for specific time periods.  You can see a map that shows where the views are coming from.   They show you where in the video the interactions are happening, e.g. when did someone click on the…

Video Analytics & Local Search

All the pundits agree that video is an enormous opportunity for local online media. One of the challenges with online video has been accurate measurement of video performance. The big analytics co’s provide some data but it’s very rudimentary. That’s why when I saw the new web video analytics service developed by GlanceGuide, I had one of those “why didn’t I think of that” moments. The service is like Omniture or Google Analytics for video on steroids and it’s pretty…

Affordable Local TV Advertising

TurnHere has already made a name for itself in the industry as the purveyors of online video for small businesses.  Something must be in the air because I just got pinged by Steve Espinosa about a new service that provides affordable TV advertising to small and medium-sized businesses.  Buzzspot is basically a reseller of Google TV, a Spotrunner-like service that allows you to make media buys on local TV via the Web.  Over the past month I have been…

Is There A Local Opportunity For Firebrand TV?

I was channel surfing in a hotel tonight and suffering through an incredibly crappy selection of televised entertainment when I came upon Firebrand (warning: huge flash homepage), a channel that just shows very cool commercials. Given the state of TV these days I wasn’t surprised that I found Firebrand TV much more entertaining than anything else on. Check out this beautiful Spike Jonze Adidas ad.