Is There A Local Opportunity For Firebrand TV?

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by andrewsho

Firebrand TV

I was channel surfing in a hotel tonight and suffering through an incredibly crappy selection of televised entertainment when I came upon Firebrand (warning: huge flash homepage), a channel that just shows very cool commercials. Given the state of TV these days I wasn’t surprised that I found Firebrand TV much more entertaining than anything else on. Check out this beautiful Spike Jonze Adidas ad.

It got me thinking about how Web video for small businesses might evolve. Companies like Turn Here are producing some pretty nice stuff, but everything I have seen from them thus far look like very well-produced “fun” video presentations. Given the budgets and talent available maybe that’s all there is to expect and maybe these ads can be pretty effective.

But I think the day will come when a truly talented local video producer will start dreaming up ways to make local business videos as compelling in their own way as the Adidas spot. They will put something up for a client, do a little social media marketing and that video will go viral not just across the Web but across the community the business serves. The client’s business will go through the roof and everything will change. Smart small businesses will start to realize the value of content in marketing.

Of course this theory depends on a lot of talent and a lot of luck. But if Firebrand takes off I wouldn’t be surprised to see them start developing local channels at some point that show the best of local ads. This could provide a great venue for local marketers and attract insomniacs everywhere.

Note to Firebrand Execs: Your website needs an overhaul. It takes forever to load and has some serious SEO issues.

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