Video Analytics & Local Search

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by andrewsho

All the pundits agree that video is an enormous opportunity for local online media. One of the challenges with online video has been accurate measurement of video performance. The big analytics co’s provide some data but it’s very rudimentary. That’s why when I saw the new web video analytics service developed by GlanceGuide, I had one of those “why didn’t I think of that” moments. The service is like Omniture or Google Analytics for video on steroids and it’s pretty cool.  The company is now the official analytics solution for The Platform and a number of video publishers are signing up for the service.

I am pleased to say that I am joining the advisory board for the company. I look forward to showing anyone who is interested at the Kelsey Conference this week how they can use GlanceGuide’s hosted analytics solution to improve the performance of video on their sites and provide detailed reporting to their video advertisers.

If anyone is interested in checking it out please ping me at localseo at


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