The Local Reviews Ecosystem

This morning at the BIA Kelsey’s 2010 Interactive Local Media conference, we’ll be introducing a new partnership between Local SEO Guide and BK – a new local social consulting practice for BK clients.  I will be working with them as the Practice Director to help clients chart the social media waters  (Have no fear LocalSEOGuide readers, I will still be running this little blog and my consulting practice).  We’ll have more info about BK’s Local Social in the next few…

A Wonderful Life Brought To You By Facebook

Cari McGee pens a New Yorker-worthy piece on how Facebook can create incredible social-local experiences as seen through the lens of a woman who was downsizing and needed help moving: But another friend of hers, (we’ll call her Mary), said, “No, you won’t. I’ll get others to help. No biggie.” And Mary rallied the troops. She called and e-mailed and Facebook-posted “Our friend needs help!” She had a spreadsheet created, shifts posted, donuts and coffee procured, and she was ready.…

Needium Taps the “Need” Medium for Leads

While I was on vacation over the past week, the guys over at Praized Media had the audacity to both coin some new business lingo (social media is now the “need” medium) and launch a new reputation monitoring/social lead-gen tool called Needium. I haven’t used it yet but it sounds like a pretty good idea.  Here’s how Sebastien Provencher of Praized put’s it: Needium monitors social media sources and detects business opportunities based on local user needs and life events.…

BlueGlass Interactive Points The Way – Local Search Next?

Just saw this release that Chris Winfield, Dave Snyder, Brent Csutoras, Jordan Kasteler, Loren Baker, Tony Wang and Danielle Winfield along with their colleagues at their various companies have joined forces to form Blueglass, a full service Internet Marketing agency. This may not mean much to my readers in the local search world, but each of these people is the equivalent of a rock star in the search marketing world.  In search marketing consulting there are a few types of… Social Media Survey – Are You Running 7 Social Media Campaigns? just released the results of a study on social media usage by business professionals. The big data points that stuck out for me: The average company in this study was planning, developing or running seven(!!!!) different social media initiatives Facebook is the social media platform of choice for the majority of respondents, but I suspect that most are not using it for business reasons. Here are the high level findings:

Yellow Pages v. Social Media Marketing: A Rebuttal To The Lazy, Lying Mainstream Media

From the Couldn’t Resist Department: Tara Nelson of the, “the insider source for everything local”, wrote an article today called “Yellow Pages v. Social Media Marketing” on the subject of shifting your budget from print yellow pages advertising to social media marketing.  Now readers of this blog know I am all about positivity and sunshine, and I sure don’t want to knock Tara for trying, bit once you get past the catchy headline you quickly realize this is the…

Bay Area Photographer Seeks Reviews & More Customers

Recently we hired a great bay area child photographer to do some shots of our children.  While I loved the photos, I was even more impressed with the follow up email I just received from the photographer.  Check out this excerpt: I was wondering if you would be able to write some reviews for me on websites where my business is listed. If it is easier you can use the same content too. It is really helpful for clients to…

Are You Using Meetup To Market Your Small Business?

Back in January I posted about how small businesses could use Meetup to market themselves.  Today I got a reminder in my email via my East Bay SEO Meetup about how creative marketers are using Meetup to get the word out about their businesses.  Check this out: