Bay Area Photographer Seeks Reviews & More Customers

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by andrewsho

Recently we hired a great bay area child photographer to do some shots of our children.  While I loved the photos, I was even more impressed with the follow up email I just received from the photographer.  Check out this excerpt:

I was wondering if you would be able to write some reviews for me on websites where my business is listed. If it is easier you can use the same content too. It is really helpful for clients to see customer feedback.

Go City Kids (once you submit it, I think you get a confirmation email and it takes a while to post the review)

My blog

Decidio ( a new listing)

I am also on Facebook at the link below!

Thanks so very much! I’d be happy to provide you with a few web resolution files from your shoot as a thank you that you can share by email or on Facebook, etc or with family + friends.

Not only do I dig the fact that she is asking me to review her on other sites (although I think she could have asked me to do a few more local review sites), I love that she will provide me with more photos as an incentive for me to write the reviews.

To those in the local search field this should come as no big surprise, but for those readers who are local business owners who are looking for that extra edge, perhaps you have just found one.


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