Social Stats Are Worthless

On my 10 Things I Learned About Local SEO in 2014 post on SearchEngineLand, I forgot to include #11: Social Sharing Stats Are Worthless. I use to obsess about social share numbers on each of my SEL posts. It drove me slightly crazy to see that Greg Gifford’s and Chris Silver Smith’s posts would always get way more shares than mine. Not that their posts didn’t deserve the shares, but were mine so much less worthy of a RT? I…

But Some of My Best Friends Are Social Media Managers….

This post on Why Are So Many Social Media Managers Dipshits is so good. My father always said “If you don’t have something nice to say about someone, don’t say anything.” But let’s face it, Social Media Managers may just be to SEOs what New Jersey is to New York. I keed. I keed. “DOVE body bar, now in new Desperation Sweat scent.”

Dittmer’s is Smoking at Local Social

For those in the know, Dittmer’s Gourmet Meats & Wurst Haus was the best place in Silicon Valley to get a smoked pork chop, a pickled pigs foot or a tub of duck fat. Unfortunately, last year a faulty smoker caused a fire and Dittmers had to shut down while it moved locations and rebuilt. During the agonizingly long hiatus, Dittmer’s has run a pretty awesome Facebook page to keep fans updated on when the new Los Altos location will…

BIA/Kelsey Social Local Media Consulting Is Now Live

Yesterday I formally launched a partnership with BIA/Kelsey to provide their clients with a “Social Local Media Advisory Service”. Here’s the kind of stuff we’ll be helping clients with: SLM will spotlight buyers, sellers, platform developers, vendors, practitioners and thought leaders engaged in the use of social media tools and techniques to forward customer relationships. This analysis across the ecosystem is imperative as the social media space evolves from search, display, mobile and directory platforms, and organizes into its own…

Social CRM for SMBs

More from C3: Craig Donato, CEO & Founder, Oodle Perry Evans, CEO & Founder, Closely Brendan King, CEO, Vendasta Technologies Seb Provencher, VP Product Mgt, Praized Media Donato – Social is not for all SMBs. It’s for SMBs that depend on relationship marketing. Real Estate Agents are a good example. There has been massive adoption of social by realtors, but the challenge has been that most social media consultants are not very good(!) Evans – 50% of our SMB customers…

#c32011: Yelp, Groupon, Merchant Circle & Pelago

We’re back at C3 and starting out with “A Conversation With the Networks”: Doug Kilponen, SVP Biz Dev, Merchant Circle John Kim, VP, Products, Pelago Sumir Meghani, Director BD, Groupon Jed Nachman, VP Sales, Yelp Kim – If you can create content and connect with other people, it’s social media Meghani – Groupon has two types of social interactions – between businesses and consumers (the deal) and between consumers (getting each other to hit the tipping point for the deal).…

Attention Local Search/Local Social PR People

Stop sending me irrelevant press releases (I know you won’t but I had to ask).  They get deleted/ignored every time. I will be covering more local-social media trends as part of the new Local Social Consulting Advisory Service I am starting with BIA/Kelsey.  If you are doing innovative things in this area and want me to write about your company here’s what I am looking for, sans the usual PR filler: Case studies on how businesses are using local social…

Conversational Commerce Conference Coming Up in SF

Just got an invite to Opus Research’s Conversational Commerce Conference aka C3 on Feb 2-3 in San Francisco. Opus is Dan Miller’s and Greg Sterling’s brainchild. I’ll be blogging the event. Here’s the conference summary: Opus Research’s Conversational Commerce Conference (C3) brings together a diverse array of interested groups and stakeholders to discuss the new social media landscape and its joint impact on marketing and customer care. Beyond showing how these organizations must now collaborate, C3 will offer successful case…

48% of Small Businesses Have a Facebook Page – #ILM10

According to the BIA Kelsey’s 2010 Local Commerce Monitor, the use of social media by small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) who spend at least $25K in online marketing/year has risen dramatically over the past year. As I mentioned in my post on The Local Reviews Ecosystem, the focus on customer engagement via reviews and social media is going to be the big small biz story of 2011.  And while Facebook is clearly dominating the SMB social media pie, I fully…