Social CRM for SMBs

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by andrewsho

More from C3:

Craig Donato, CEO & Founder, Oodle
Perry Evans, CEO & Founder, Closely
Brendan King, CEO, Vendasta Technologies
Seb Provencher, VP Product Mgt, Praized Media

Donato – Social is not for all SMBs. It’s for SMBs that depend on relationship marketing. Real Estate Agents are a good example. There has been massive adoption of social by realtors, but the challenge has been that most social media consultants are not very good(!)

Evans – 50% of our SMB customers outsource their promotion marketing

Provencher – SMBs being pulled into social because they see their competitors/peers setting up Facebook pages. In London 3-4x/day people tweet that they have locked themselves out of the house. This is an opportunity for a locksmith.

Donato – You can’t outsource social. You can’t outsource an authentic voice and being present.

Evans – You can give a business a “remote control” for promotions & events, but most businesses are at a stage where there is skepticism and fear to overcome to get them into the mix. SMBs don’t recognize that there is a lot of conversations happening that are relevant to their business.

Donato – The wrong thing to do is to find some young person to be your social media guy who then quits and takes the login info with him.

Provencher – SMBs still realize they need a website. If we’re managing a Twitter account for a biz that doesn’t have a website, it’s a problem because people want to see the real presence behind the account.

Evans – We are seeing a formula for new businesses launching – doing a daily deal that will stimulate demand faster and doing social marketing to create a network. This creates early demand, performance-based, early cash flow.

King – I am not sure you need a website. If your website is bad, better off having a Facebook page that does something.

Provencher – The web fragmented the entry doors to people find you. If you are ignoring the different entry doors (search, social, etc.) you are losing business.

Donato – Businesses need to pay as much attention to social as they have been to search.

Evans – Many businesses don’t have reviews. A consumer can make a quick decision about a business based on a conversation.

Provencher – Social is not just about customer care.

King – Brands are still scared of social media. You can’t buy integrity in social.

Donato – The transformational aspect of social is if you can figure out how to enlist your customers to do your marketing for you.


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