Social Media Survey – Are You Running 7 Social Media Campaigns?

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by andrewsho just released the results of a study on social media usage by business professionals. The big data points that stuck out for me:

  1. The average company in this study was planning, developing or running seven(!!!!) different social media initiatives
  2. Facebook is the social media platform of choice for the majority of respondents, but I suspect that most are not using it for business reasons.

Here are the high level findings:

  • Webinars and podcasts are top social media resources for business professionals, used by 69% of those who turn to social media channels for business information. Time to launch my webinar business!

  • Facebook is the dominant social network on which consumer-focused companies maintain one or more profiles, cited by 83% of respondents versus 45% for Twitter.
    You can’t play Farmville on Twitter…yet

  • Business-to-business (B2B) companies, however, maintain a presence on both platforms with 77% maintaining a profile on Facebook and 73% on Twitter.  For a number of reasons I feel like Twitter is just a better business platform than FB and this kind of suggests that

  • Current trends to restrict access to social networks like Facebook or Twitter at work need to be re-thought in light of the business value in such activity.

    • Among respondents using social media for business purposes in their day-to-day jobs, 62% visit company or brand profiles on social networking sites and 55% search for business information on these sites.
      Of course since business is like gambling, searching for Texas Hold ‘Em Poker on Facebook can be classified as searching for business information.
  • Consultants and marketing communications professionals are the most active users of social media as a resource for business information, particularly in micro (<10 employees) and small businesses (10-99 employees). IT professionals have the lowest participation rate IT pros always know better right?

  • Both companies and employees are scaling a massive learning curve with social media.

    • The average company in this study was planning, developing or running seven different social media initiatives; 65% of respondents staffing those initiatives, and 71% of companies themselves, have less than two years of experience with social media for business.
      I just don’t believe this stat – or else they asked the question so that sending emails to customers counted as a social media initiative, etc.

  • Building brand awareness and brand reputation are two of the top social media success metrics, but nearly two-thirds of companies focused on these metrics have little to no insight into performance via standard or easily accessible reports.
    And that is why there is a big business in managing online reputations for SMBs and providing easy to understand ROI metrics on all online marketing initiatives.

Get the full study here


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