Update: How Location Page Providers Stack Up for Core Web Vitals

Author: Rachel Anderson – Director of Web Intelligence | Find her here: Twitter In June 2021, I analyzed the web performance of location pages managed by the top location provider brands. Since that article was published several important events have happened: Google finished rolling out the Page Experience Update SOCI acquired Brandify Uberall acquired Momentfeed Representatives from several brands reached out and said they were in the midst of improving Core Web Vitals With all these shakeups and assurances, I…

LSG Virtual Event – Store Locator SEO Teardown: Core Web Vitals Edition w/ Rachel Anderson

What’s happening? If you’re a multi-location brand, odds are you are licensing a store locator system for your website from a third-party vendor. We at LSG figured if you are going to use someone’s software on your site, you should be aware of how its performance could affect your SEO. With that in mind, LSG is hosting our first ever virtual event on Core Web Vitals! LSG’s Director of Web Intelligence, Rachel Anderson, has performed an exhaustive analysis comparing different…

Should We Even Care About The 2019 Local SEO Ranking Factors?

Wow, really waiting until the last minute to get this one out huh Dan? You betcha random voice from the internet. Literally the last calendared work day for Local SEO Guide from the year and here we are. And there is a reason for that. I have been suffering with severe intellectual malaise around this years version of the Local SEO Ranking Factors report. As I was confessing to some colleagues at #TechSEOBoost, I’m honestly just bored with them. Large…

Proximity, The Number 1 Local SEO Ranking Sub-Factor

The 2017 Local Search Ranking Factors, a survey of Local SEO professionals on what they think it takes to rank in local search, was just released at MozCon Local/Local U. Andrew and I both love participating in the survey, as it’s a chance to see what the Local SEO hive mind is thinking. I highly recommend checking it out to see how people are thinking about local search rankings. Coming out of the 2017 version, the talk of the town…

Many People Are Saying That Publishing Content Helps With SEO…

When we relaunched LocalSEOGuide.com at the end of June, we decided it was time to start publishing content on a more regular basis. As long-time readers know, I have been a sporadic blogger at best since my early glory days of daily blogging. Now that we have more hands & brains on deck, hopefully we have more to say. We started out with a bang with the publishing of our monster Local SEO Ranking Factors study and I thought it would be…

Top Local Search Ranking Factors 2013

David Mihm has published 2013’s Local Search Ranking Factors Survey over at Moz. As is tradition, I will summarize it here and encourage you to head over to David’s post to soak in the data: “By and large, the primary factors seem to have stayed largely the same for the past couple of years: Proper category associations A physical address in the city being searched Consistent, high-quality citations from sources that are: Authoritative Trustworthy Industry-relevant Your NAP information featured clearly…

Trust: The #1 SEO Ranking Factor

There’s a great discussion on Quora in response to “What is the single best piece of SEO advice?”.  I think Matt McGee nails it: Read Quote of Matt McGee’s answer to What is the single best piece of SEO advice? on Quora Happy Labor Day!

Will Small Business SEO Get Even More Cut-Throat?

Chris Silver Smith brings up a great point in today’s Local’s Only column about Google’s new local SERP design they are testing: …you might think that the newer, larger listing treatment might be beneficial for the visibility of these businesses. But, think again—for any of them which have been doing significant search marketing activities, this sea change could easily result in far lower numbers of organic referrals. Companies which aggressively have been marketing themselves have often enjoyed placement within the…

Robots.txt File Disallowing Entire Site = SEO Death

Part 4 in the SEO Death series. If you look at your robots.txt file, you usually don’t want to see this: User agent: * Disallow: / Because if you see this, then you usually see this: Do not disallow all. Here endeth the lesson. or perhaps here

Local Search Ranking Factors 2009

David Mihm’s 2nd annual survey of my esteemed colleagues in the local seo world is now up. It’s a fantastic report and probably will do as much for the economy as the Stimulus and perhaps even more than TARP.  For those of you with ADD, here’s a summary of the top 20 factors on a scale of 5 to -5 where 5 means the factor has the strongest effect and -5 not so good: Claiming Your Local Business Listing: 4.42…