Many People Are Saying That Publishing Content Helps With SEO…

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by andrewsho

Make America Great Again Hat

When we relaunched at the end of June, we decided it was time to start publishing content on a more regular basis. As long-time readers know, I have been a sporadic blogger at best since my early glory days of daily blogging. Now that we have more hands & brains on deck, hopefully we have more to say. We started out with a bang with the publishing of our monster Local SEO Ranking Factors study and I thought it would be interesting to illustrate how this may have affected this site’s SEO. Perhaps it will inspire SEO clients that when their consultants recommend they think like media companies and publish, they really mean it. At least many people say they mean it, or so I’ve heard…

So here’s some data for y’all:

Sad Organic Traffic Screenshot

Since the end of February, organic traffic to the top 20 blog posts on the site have been gradually sliding. By mid-June they were down about 32%. Not good.

On June 19th, we relaunched the site and on June 22nd we released our Factors post (great work Dan!) and since then we have published nine more posts (I know, I know, but that is on fire for us).

According to Majestic, the Factors post has earned 406 backlinks from 76 domains. Ahrefs shows similar numbers so the amount of links is likely higher if we dedupe and total them.  According to Ahrefs the site as a whole has links from 240 new domains since mid-June. Many people are saying backlinks help with SEO. Let’s see if they are right:

Happy Organic Traffic ScreenshotWhile the traffic to these pages has not completely recovered, you can see from the above chart that it is on its way.

If you don’t publish, nothing you can do for your SEO, folks…Although the Link Building people — maybe there is. I don’t know.


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