LSG Virtual Event – Store Locator SEO Teardown: Core Web Vitals Edition w/ Rachel Anderson

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by WillMorriss

What’s happening?

If you’re a multi-location brand, odds are you are licensing a store locator system for your website from a third-party vendor. We at LSG figured if you are going to use someone’s software on your site, you should be aware of how its performance could affect your SEO.

With that in mind, LSG is hosting our first ever virtual event on Core Web Vitals! LSG’s Director of Web Intelligence, Rachel Anderson, has performed an exhaustive analysis comparing different location page providers to see who is winning and who is losing. She will be spilling the beans in an interview you won’t want to miss. This research into Core Web Vitals allowed Rachel to help brands better understand what they should be looking for from a performance standpoint when choosing how to manage their location pages.  

Join our CEO, Andrew Shotland, and Director of Web Intelligence, Rachel Anderson, as they discuss the latest findings on some of the top location page providers and where they stand with respect to Core Web Vitals. If you’re a brand, a location page provider, or an SEO, this event is definitely for you.

What are Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals are a key part of a winning SEO strategy for multi-location brands because they help Google determine ranking for websites and location pages. It’s not breaking news that page loading speed is important for Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) rankings. However, recent Google updates, like the Page Experience Update, have put three metrics, in particular, into focus as specifically impactful. These three metrics are Cumulative Layout Shift, Largest Contentful Paint, and First Input Delay.

Given the fact that most multi-location brands opt to use third-party services to create location pages, we thought it would be a good idea to see how they stack up. LSG’s Director of Web Intelligence, Rachel Anderson, has done two separate analyses over the past year to do just that. She compared the core web vital of location page providers including BirdEye, Brandify, ChatMeter, Rio SEO, SOCi, Uberall, and Yext. Rachel did the initial analysis in July of 2021 and then she pulled the data again to check if brands saw any improvements or updates over the past 6 months. Many of the results were surprising and have large implications she will be discussing in detail over the course of the interview.

Why should I care? 

It’s essential for multi-location brands and businesses with physical locations to have high-quality location pages. This means having a consistently fast and stable loading experience which is tracked by measuring core web vitals.

 Brands that suffer from poor quality or speeds may be in danger of being penalized by Google’s updated algorithm and losing their search position, which spells bad news for their SEO. This will impact user experience and the ability of brands to deliver useful content or convert their customers.

Who is this event for?

  • Multi-location/enterprise brands
  • SEOs, Developers, and really anyone with a website and different page types
  • Location page providers
  • Anyone interested in the cool stuff LSG is doing!

When is the event?

  • Dec 14, 2021, at 11:00 AM in Pacific Time
  • Dec 14, 2021, at 1:00 PM in Central Time 
  • Dec 14, 2021, at 2:00 PM in Eastern Time 

Where can I sign up?

The interview with LSG’s CEO, Andrew Shotland, and Director of Web Intelligence, Rachel Anderson, will take place over Zoom and you can register for the event here


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