The Labor of SEO…

A couple of weeks ago, I was having a great day and tried to pass on the positive vibes with Lucky To Be In Local SEO! Today I am sure many of our U.S.-based readers have their heads way out the door in anticipation of the three-day Labor Day weekend so I thought I’d try to kick off the holiday with another sunshine and rainbows post on the labor of SEO… When we talk about what our mission statement is at…

Lucky To Be In Local SEO!

I was talking to a young Local SEO type, a kid in his mid-30s, who was lamenting that his new gig at some dysfunctional digital marketing company sucked and he didn’t want to stick around but he, and most notably, his wife, were scared at the prospect of leaving a job so soon and what would interviewers think of that, etc. My response was basically “If you are unhappy in your job and you don’t want to try to improve the…

Local Search Job Candidate of the Month: Robert Collins

From time to time, I like to post high quality candidates who are in the local search job market.  It seems like this blog’s readership is often on the hunt for experienced people who can get the job done.  With that it mind, I proudly present Robert Collins, GM of Surewest Media, one of the West Coast’s largest YP companies.  I’ll let Robert’s LinkedIN profile do the talking: “Senior Sales & Operations Executive with demonstrated track record driving exceptional revenue…

Looking for a Product Management Guy?

My good friend Sebastien Provencher is exploring opportunities and since I occasionally post interesting job openings here, I thought it might be fun to try it in reverse and pimp some candidates.  If you are in need of an experienced serious product guy, give Sebastien a call or Tweet or whatever social thing turns you on. Here’s how Sebastien describes himself: Following my recent departure from the VC-funded start-up I co-founded (Needium/Praized Media), I’m now actively looking for new senior product management opportunities…

Hawthorne Search: New Ad Experiment

We’re trying something a little different this month on the blog – sponsors. I recall Jason Calacanis once saying he would never put ads up on his blog because “this is where I eat”, as in don’t do certain other activities in the same place as your dining facilities. Over the years I have kept that in mind whenever anyone has approached me about advertising here. That said, I have always thought if a company has a service that would…

Local Search Job of the Week

Regular readers know that I occasionally post job openings I hear about via my network.  I am proud to say that several people have found jobs through these posts and several companies have found excellent candidates.  Just doing my part to keep the economy humming. This week’s local search job of the week comes from MagicYellow.  The role is Director of E-Marketing & Communications.  Here’s the description: We are looking for a talented and creative individual to oversee all of… SEO Associate Product Manager Position Open

Occasionally I like to put up relevant open positions in the industry as a service to my readers. I have found it to be quite effective in matching companies with great candidates quickly and am proud to say that this blog has helped some people get awesome new jobs. John Cole, Director of SEO at AT&T Interactive, is looking for a SEO Associate Product Manager and it looks like a great position for someone looking to take their SEO game…

Looking for a Cool Microsoft Marketing Job in Seattle?

Since this blog’s readers are mainly from the search marketing & local search industries, I’ve often thought I should add a job board for local search jobs.  I regularly get requests from readers to promote their job openings so maybe one of these days I’ll get around to doing one. As a little test I’ve posted a job Microsoft pinged me about yesterday.  Here’s a summary of the position.  If you are into SMB marketing (and acronyms) this could be…