Looking for a Product Management Guy?

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by andrewsho

My good friend Sebastien Provencher is exploring opportunities and since I occasionally post interesting job openings here, I thought it might be fun to try it in reverse and pimp some candidates.  If you are in need of an experienced serious product guy, give Sebastien a call or Tweet or whatever social thing turns you on.

Here’s how Sebastien describes himself:

Following my recent departure from the VC-funded start-up I co-founded (Needium/Praized Media), I’m now actively looking for new senior product management opportunities in San Francisco in online media, local search or social media companies. Also open to senior business development opportunities.

I have solid experience (12+ years) in product management and business development in the local search and social media space. Over the last five years, I was responsible for product management and the bulk of the business development efforts at Needium/Praized Media where I built innovative revenue-generating social/local products. Before
that, from 1999 to 2007, I had a very successful stint at Yellow Pages Group (the Canadian Yellow Pages) as head of their online product management team and Senior Manager, Strategy & Business Development for their online division. People can find out more about my accomplishments in my LinkedIn profile at http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=46750


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