Trump For San Antonio Web Designer

I was intrigued when these showed up on Twitter this weekend: 1: So a little quick research: Trump digital director Brad Parscale owns a small web design firm in Texas. Seems successful. But def … — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 21, 2016 Paid Parscales company $8m+. Seems like that’s self dealing but very standard way campaign work. Digital or ad guy is on campaign but … — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 21, 2016 Folks in biz, pls share. But having…

Our Citation Stack

I often get questions, and pitches, related to our “citation stack” so I figured it made sense to explain the thought process in a post. Our stack consists of 3 things: Yext Moz Local Manual citation audit/cleanup/building The reason for this is pretty simple. Yext & Moz Local are both pretty affordable tools for making waves right away. We can use Yext and get listings corrected and duplicates suppressed within their publishing network in a matter of minutes. This makes…

Lucky To Be In Local SEO!

I was talking to a young Local SEO type, a kid in his mid-30s, who was lamenting that his new gig at some dysfunctional digital marketing company sucked and he didn’t want to stick around but he, and most notably, his wife, were scared at the prospect of leaving a job so soon and what would interviewers think of that, etc. My response was basically “If you are unhappy in your job and you don’t want to try to improve the…

Keyword Plannergeddon

It’s been nice knowing you all, but SEO is officially over, dead and gone. As you very likely know $GOOG has made a bunch of changes that impact the Keyword Planner (and by default Local SEO.) First they started combining keywords and showing grouped monthly search volumes. Then they started showing ranges for keywords unless you had some level of ad spend. Local SEO is very dependent on Keyword Planner data for one simple reason, it’s the best place to get…

Many People Are Saying That Publishing Content Helps With SEO…

When we relaunched at the end of June, we decided it was time to start publishing content on a more regular basis. As long-time readers know, I have been a sporadic blogger at best since my early glory days of daily blogging. Now that we have more hands & brains on deck, hopefully we have more to say. We started out with a bang with the publishing of our monster Local SEO Ranking Factors study and I thought it would be…

One Link Disavowal Spreadsheet Hack To Rule Them All…

News Flash: Link disavowal research for a hacked client with a ton of backlinks is a huge PITA. Thankfully, I have figured out a cool way to save a huge amount of time keeping spam links in check while maintaining my sanity thanks to Excel’s Conditional Formatting tool. For my very first post on LocalSEOGuide, I figured I’d geek out for you…  

Why You Shouldn’t Suck At Client Management

We have this client, and I’m sure you do too, that is a generally very difficult to service. There are operational roadblocks, communication roadblocks etc. They are also an agency that white labels some of our services, so there is the added problem of the telephone game to and from their clients. Generally, I feel like in the Local SEO space these are the clients that everyone hates. Personally I love them, and here is why: If you service them…

AJAX, SEO & Sleeping At Night

If you have been doing SEO for the past few years, particularly for start-ups, chances are you have had to figure out how deal with SEO for Progressive Web Apps. Progressive Web Apps can be great for users but they are not always the most reliable for SEO. Google has not exactly been consistent in its recommendations for how to deal with AJAX crawling. We always recommend to clients the “Sleep At Night” strategy when it comes to SEO – meaning…

Reverse Engineering Google’s Local Search Algorithm

Hey Everyone! Andrew and I are about to go onstage and present the results of our 2016 Local SEO Ranking Factors study at SMX Advanced. This study is the largest quantitive look at Google My Business ranking factors done in Local SEO. We hope it can help provide direction on how to prioritize your Local SEO spend and time investment. I’m told I should provide y’all with some tidbits to get you interested, so here are some questions we tried… 2.0 Creative Brief

Q: Why Did We Update The Site? A: Because The Old Site Sucked, Right? Well, that’s not completely the case, although I had received my fair share of requests (mostly from Pakistan for some reason) to redesign the old site over the years. Here’s the ready-for-Medium explanation for the ten of you who care: I launched in 2007 after working as an SEO consultant for a year without a site. I used to love to say to prospects “Real…