Keyword Plannergeddon

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by Dan

It’s been nice knowing you all, but SEO is officially over, dead and gone.

As you very likely know $GOOG has made a bunch of changes that impact the Keyword Planner (and by default Local SEO.)

First they started combining keywords and showing grouped monthly search volumes.

Then they started showing ranges for keywords unless you had some level of ad spend.

Local SEO is very dependent on Keyword Planner data for one simple reason, it’s the best place to get local keyword search volumes. None of the big paid tools have close to the hyper-localization of the Keyword Planner.

Thankfully, the level of spend required to avoid the ranges seems to be incredibly low. I mean, even the $500 I spent doing some PPC for the 2016 Local SEO Ranking Factors gives me access to non-ranged, local keyword data:

Still have Keyword Planner Data

So that means you can still do Local SEO like a boss, and our local keyword generator can help! You will just have to resign yourself to the fact that you might have to spend a little bit of money advertising your business to do so, but hey it’s good to eat your own dog food sometimes! Though I would like to close with a final thought, courtesy of Joe Hall:

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