Trump For San Antonio Web Designer

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by andrewsho

Make My Website Rank Again

I was intrigued when these showed up on Twitter this weekend:

and then…

I couldn’t resist doing a little digging on this guy. First, here’s an example – courtesy of – of the hidden link on Trump’s site to Parscale’s with the anchor text = “San Antonio Web Design” from May 2015. For you non-SEO reader types, these links should help Parscale rank well for “San Antonio Web Design” & related queries: San Antonio Web Design

Web developers have been pulling this scam since the dawn of SEO, but it’s particularly prevalent on SMB sites who don’t know better. Kind of awesome to see someone try to pull this off on a YUGE domain like Trump’s.

And if you look at Parscale’s backlink profile, you can see that this has been part of his stock in trade for a while:

San Antonio Web Design Backlinks

All of these domains have a link to Parscale’s site in the footer. Not all of them are hidden, so it’s possible that he has the site-owner’s consent to do this. Perhaps his clients, including Trump, even consented to the hidden links.

But it’s clear this guy likes his exact match anchor text:

San Antonio Web Development

Now many of these might be legit, but he is definitely trying to diversify his anchor text with keyword variants:

Web Design Variants

So does this kind of link scheme still work in 2016?

According to SearchMetrics,’s rankings have been cranking ever since Trump announced his candidacy (which is starting to look like the biggest linkbait campaign in history) in June 2015. I haven’t been able to find supporting data but I wouldn’t be surprised if the link to Parscale’s site went up in February 2015 when his rankings started to rise. Google Rankings
According to our 2016 Local SEO Ranking Factors study, backlinks are critical to local rankings, so it’s not surprising that Parscale is aggressively pursuing these links. But these links are risky, for both Parscale and his clients, as they are obviously intended to game Parscale’s site’s search engine rankings.

In fact it looks like Google may have penalized Parscale’s site sometime in October – there was an unconfirmed update around then – as Parscale’s rankings started to tank:

Parscale Google Tankings
And you can see in that during the first week of November 2015, the anchor text to Parscale’s site from Trump’s site was changed, probably in attempt to reduce the exact match targeting on “San Antonio” keywords or throw Google off or something:

Web Design
As you can see above, in January 2016 Parscale’s rankings recovered.

I am not surprised that Trump’s well-oiled campaign has a SEO scam-artist (or SEO genius – you be the judge) on the payroll. I am also not surprised that Google has not really nailed Parscale yet.

Seems to me if Google wants to really drive home that these kind of link schemes are not “good for users”, they would make a very public example of this. But then there’s this:

Google Pay To Play


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