Casey Squier of Geomentum talking at BIA/Kelsey #ILM10 about what advertisers are looking for in local:

What does our media mix look like over the next few years? How do we migrate our offline media mix to online, specifically around local?

Approximately 2,000 points of data for every zip code that agencies don’t want to deal with.

Geomentum platform looks at everything from demographics to weather patterns.  They match store level data (e.g. sales/foot traffic) and mash it up with online data to come up with a smart local media plan.

They figure out where best customers reside and what their behavior is to see if companies are invested in the right media around their locations.  They are media agnostic.

Chicago newspaper advertiser – had been advertising in the main metro paper for years. Geomentum figured out that their customers were in the northern Chicago area – looking at the sub-zipcode level (i.e. the street block) and recommended they focus ads on hyperlocal media which dramatically increased sales.

They’ll be launching in 2011 but for now are working with some beta clients.

Not a lot of info here, but if I understand it correctly, thus far the coolest concept I have heard at #ILM10.

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