Automating Knowledge Panel & GMB Image Change Detection

Here I am, back on my BS again… So today we are open sourcing the first thing that Bryan and I made together when he came to Local SEO Guide two years ago (he did all the hard work.) It’s an image change detection tool, using Python, to scrape Google searches (particularly branded, local, searches) and report on if there are any changes to the image in the Knowledge Graph. As many of you know this image is a huge…

You Can Win At Google My Business Without Doing Anything On Google My Business

We got the opportunity to expand the organic program we have with a Big Baller Brand ™. This always makes me giddy, as I think local organic search is one of the places where we excel. Turns out, I was right to think so, because we crushed it.Like I mentioned, this is all organic search work done on-domain. It includes things like technical optimization and content. We did nothing with GMB in the same timeframe. Which is really interesting because…

Did Local Review Spammers Just Get Self-Served?

See Betteridge’s Law of Headlines for the answer. For those looking to procrastinate, feel free to read on. Yesterday’s Google announcement about it’s new “algorithmic updates” review mark-up caused a fair amount of Local SEO Twittering and Slacking. Today, we’re introducing an algorithmic update to review snippets to ease implementation:– Clear set of schema types for review snippets– Self-serving reviews aren’t allowed– Name of the thing you’re reviewing is requiredMore details: — Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) September 16, 2019 My…

Google My Business Reviews From The Web Rate 0 ⭐

And speaking of reputation management for small business, I was checking out LSG’s GMB description after Colan Nielsen had posted about them showing up in GMB Knowledge Panels the other day (They’re gone again btw) when I noticed in the “Reviews from the web” section we had a lousy 3/5 rating: Like any business owner, I wanted to see where these reviews came from and what I could do to turn those three stars into five. Imagine my surprise to…

Moz Local Review – Does It Work?

(Editor’s note: This post has received some criticism that I “gamed” the outcome by using the unusual case of a two businesses with the same address and phone number. While I agree that the majority of businesses won’t have this issue, there still is a huge swath of them that do. We deal with them every day. That said, if you are one of the lucky businesses that is not affected by this kind of thing, then your results with Moz…

Local Mobile Searchers Don’t Need Your Stinking Website…Or Do They?

I was having an interesting conversation with an agency client this weekend about why mobile traffic had been flat/down to their retailer clients’ location pages since the end of 2015. My initial response touched on part of the answer: “I suspect they are experiencing a change in traffic to their site as a result of the anchoring of the Local 3-pack in SERPs that occurred in Fall 2015. Here’s a post I did on this phenomenon at the time:

How Is Locadium Different From Yext & Other Citation Monitoring Services?

One of the more common questions we have received since launching Locadium, our new GMB monitoring service, is how it differs from Yext and similar services that monitor NAP consistency. The answer is pretty simple – Locadium monitors GMB changes and alerts you when it detects a change or a dupe listing that has been published. Yext also has a GMB change alert system that monitors the GMB API and alerts you when the API alerts Yext that there is…

Doesn’t Everyone Hate it When Service Companies Get Involved in Software?

Local SEO Guide is happy to announce Locadium, a Google My Business reporting system built from the ground up for multi-location brands and agencies. According to a recent poll of Local SEO Sherpa’s, 78% of them have problems with Google changing information on GMB profiles. Now I know you are saying: “Dan, there is the ability to see changes suggested by Google in the GMB dashboard”. Thanks, random Internet person! You can see Google suggested updates in the various GMB…

Trimodal Local Search Algorithms

I was reading through the transcript of the excellent discussion of ranking factors by friends of the show Mike Blumenthal and Mary Bowling and figured now would be a good time to post the results of the survey I conducted about the trimodal local search algorithm. The question was pretty basic: When it comes to prominence, relevance, and proximity what do you think is the most important type of local search ranking factor? Well, the results are in, and at least…