Yandex Local SEO Ranking Factors!

The SEO community has been poring through the leak of Yandex’ codebase providing some great analysis. If this is your thing, I highly recommend following Martin McDonald, Mike King, Ryan Jones, and Alex Buraks as they continue to share nuggets of how Yandex search works. I thought I would do my part by focusing on the Local Search factors that have thus far been exposed. UPDATE: Don’t read this crap. is much more useful. So LSG is pleased to present…

How to Spot the Best Local SEO Companies: Things to consider before you hire a Local SEO Agency

Are you looking for the best local SEO companies? This should help you suss out everything you need to know about separating a good SEO Agency from a bad one. Additionally, we’ll review the major things to consider when you are picking a local SEO company and some questions you’ll want to ask them before hiring an SEO expert for your business. Table of Contents Checklist of things to consider when you are picking Local SEO Companies Questions you should…

How Location Page Providers Stack Up for Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are everywhere in the SEO news these days. We’ve known for years that slower website loading results in conversion loss, and that it impacts ranking, but now we have three metrics to focus on: Cumulative Layout Shift, Largest Contentful Paint, and First Input Delay.  For businesses with physical locations, location pages tend to be some of the most important on the website. As such, we want location pages to have a fast and stable loading experience, which…

You Can Win At Google My Business Without Doing Anything On Google My Business

We got the opportunity to expand the organic program we have with a Big Baller Brand ™. This always makes me giddy, as I think local organic search is one of the places where we excel. Turns out, I was right to think so, because we crushed it.Like I mentioned, this is all organic search work done on-domain. It includes things like technical optimization and content. We did nothing with GMB in the same timeframe. Which is really interesting because…

10 Local SEO Predictions for 2019: Job Security For Local SEOs

SMBs As a Group Will Continue To Not Get SEO A little over a year ago, my dentist moved his office but never thought about updating his listing in Google Maps, Apple Maps or his website. I showed him how to fix the issue, but this morning on the way to my end of the year teeth cleaning, not only was his old location back on Apple Maps, but he had also decided to change his business name from Joseph…

Google Still Has A Lot of Work To Do When It Comes To Location…

One of the perks of international travel is getting to see what the SERPs really look like in other countries. Check out this query for “Sams Club”* I did while in Barcelona yesterday: So Google thinks the “Barcelona” line of Sam’s Club furniture is relevant to me simply because I am in Barcelona. Note my query never specified location. Google just knows there’s a page called “Barcelona” which matches the name of city I am in. If had been in…

Don’t Ever Trust Google With Your Life

So for those of you don’t know, I have a 3-year-old daughter (her name is Harper). Here is her hand: When she was an even littler girl then she is now, she got pink eye. Bekah and I spent a bunch of time googling and calling around doctors offices and urgent cares trying to find out where you take a tiny kid, with pink eye, at 5 pm on a weekday. After spending a few minutes searching around, in total dad…

Who Is Next In Local Listings Management?

For those that missed the news this morning, I couldn’t be more excited to see @SIMPartners join the @Reputation_Com family! — Adam Dorfman (@phixed) February 28, 2018 While I did not expect to be the suitor, it is not surprising to see it embrace SIMPartners. has grown from a service that took care of those “caught with a hooker” search results for you to something that is starting to look like a full-service digital marketing solution. Here’s…

Moz Local Review – Does It Work?

(Editor’s note: This post has received some criticism that I “gamed” the outcome by using the unusual case of a two businesses with the same address and phone number. While I agree that the majority of businesses won’t have this issue, there still is a huge swath of them that do. We deal with them every day. That said, if you are one of the lucky businesses that is not affected by this kind of thing, then your results with Moz…