SEO for CEOs at #ILMEast

For those of you making it to Boston for ILM East on March 26th I will be running a “precon” on “SEO for CEOs (and everyone else)” at 10am. The session will cover: SEO strategies for local-oriented businesses in the Post-Panda & Post-Venice Update world How to build an in-house SEO organization Selling SEO services to SMBs as a business model Joining me in the session will be Will Scott of Search Influence and John Denny of Advance Internet. Hope…

Venture Capital Funding for Local Search #ILM09

VCs from Canaan Partners (Warren Lee), Trinity Ventures (Patricia Nakache) & Comcast Ventures (Michael Yang): Patricia Nakache: no one has cracked local impulse purchases – mentions Groupon Warren Lee: Skeptical that growth will happen as fast as Kelsey predicts because access to venture capital is not as easy. Venture capital is going to contract by 20-30% and fragmented nature of local with big capital requirements makes it harder to fund. (sounds like a lot of VCs will be getting into…

Local SEO Tools, Tricks & Strategies #ILM09

Update: Check out my list of great Local SEO Tools here I am supposed to be up there but given my lack of voice I thought it not such a good idea.  Here’s the presentation I would have given ILM 09 Local Media SEO Presentation (it definitely needs narration so feel free to ping me with questions) it’s pretty much a rehash of my SEL post: Don’t Give Google The NoIndex Finger Hanan Lifschitz of Palore is speaking in my…

Kenshoo Local Launches – Sivan Metzger #ILM09

Sivan Metzger, GM of the just announced Kenshoo Local, is up and talking about the local search marketing challenges: Massive programs/thousands of listings Cumbersome on-boarding process Resource intensive ongoing management process Cross channel geo-targeting/tracking conversions Manual keyword & bid optimization Huge surge in demand for SEM services from SMBs, however: 30-40 accounts per account manager 40 accounts x $500/mth @20% margin = no profit when you are doing it manually They are trying to get onboarding of new advertiser to…

Panos Bethanis of Directory M #ILM09

DirectoryM is a huge local search network that most people in the local search biz don’t know anything about.  Here’s waht Panos had to say: It looks like DirectoryM takes in a lot of third party data to provide relevant content. They either crawl and suck it in or they have a deal with the partner to provide it. The examples are a local newspaper that provides news around a topic like childcare in their city and a national vertical…

Jeff Ferguson of #ILM09

Lost my voice at SES Chicago yesterday.  Thankful I made it out of O’Hare.  Since I am effectively mute I will probably be doing a bit of blogging at the Kelsey ILM 09 show. Just came in to the pre-conference at the tail-end of a talk by Jeff Ferguson of on the different local marketing opportunities in Google.  Jeff gave an overview of the different local marketing opportunities available on Google – Adwords, Adwords for Maps, and 10/7 Pack…

BIA Kelsey ILM 2009 in Los Angeles Coming Up

I’ll be speaking at the BIA Kelsey ILM ’09 Local Search “Preconference” – sort of akin to sitting at the kiddie table at Thanksgiving – along with Mr. David Mihm, Chris Spanos of AOL/ and BIA Kelsey’s Mike Boland.  We’ll be doing a site clinic as part of the session so if you have a site that just can’t seem to get any respect from the search engines – and that’s most of you from what I can see –…

Place Based Marketing: Kelsey ILM ’08

I don’t have enough brain power to give you the blow-by-blow on the Out Of Home session, but listening to Aileen Lee of Danoo, John McMenemin of RippleTV and Rocky Gunderson of SeeSaw Networks, I am hearing some impressive stats about the power of place-based marketing (e.g. those tv screens in your local coffee shops).

Online Coupons: What’s Your Business’ Strategy?

Per my previous post on CitySquare’s success with online coupons, it seems like offering deals on your site is the way to go in this meltdown.  I had lunch today with Loren Bendele, CEO of, a deal aggregator.  According to Loren they had a record month last month in what would normally be a flat time of year.