Moz Local 301s To Uberall

Update: A Mozzer pinged me in a private Slack channel to lmk that they they are punting on listings management and working on relaunching MozLocal with more valuable features. This is slightly at odds with my guess at what happened below (but hey, #blogger), but it sounds like they are looking at baking more “Local” data into their SEO tool suite which kind of fits with my take that that is where they have the biggest advantage/opportunity. Here’s what they…

Who Is Next In Local Listings Management?

For those that missed the news this morning, I couldn’t be more excited to see @SIMPartners join the @Reputation_Com family! — Adam Dorfman (@phixed) February 28, 2018 While I did not expect to be the suitor, it is not surprising to see it embrace SIMPartners. has grown from a service that took care of those “caught with a hooker” search results for you to something that is starting to look like a full-service digital marketing solution. Here’s…

How Is Locadium Different From Yext & Other Citation Monitoring Services?

One of the more common questions we have received since launching Locadium, our new GMB monitoring service, is how it differs from Yext and similar services that monitor NAP consistency. The answer is pretty simple – Locadium monitors GMB changes and alerts you when it detects a change or a dupe listing that has been published. Yext also has a GMB change alert system that monitors the GMB API and alerts you when the API alerts Yext that there is…

What’s NYext For Local?

Gannett’s announcement yesterday that its ReachLocal division has acquired SweetIQ really pissed me off in that the day after Yext’s* IPO I had a great conversation with a Local vet where I predicted that the success of the IPO would set off a wave a M&A in the Local Marketing Tech sector and damned if I wasn’t going to write an all-knowing post asap so I could look like a genius when it happened. Thanks to my endless capacity for…

Yext Hits $124MM in Revenues in 2016-17

Warning: I am not a financial analyst, but I play one on this blog Yext* has updated its S-1 filing to include more detail on its revenue and other aspects of its business in the run-up to its pending IPO.  Since we’re all interested, I figured I’d provide some summary info. Some of the key details from Yext’s Consolidated Statement of Operations, Balance Sheet and other docs: Yext’s Revenues for the fiscal year ending January 2017 were $124,261,000, a 38%…

The Yext IPO Is Great|Not Great For The Local Search Industry?

As the news of Yext’s S-1 filing in advance of its IPO makes it way throughout the Search industry, I can’t help but think that it will be a seminal event in the annals of Local Search. I’ll leave it to others to pore through the S-1 and pick it apart, and it appears there is plenty to pick at, at least amongst my skeptical followers: Pretty big news for the Local Search industry: — ((Andrew Shotland)) (@localseoguide) March 13, 2017…

Apple Maps “Announces” New U.S. Business Listings Data Providers

Just posted this on the Apple Maps Marketing blog, but it’s too big a deal to not put here as well: At the launch of Apple Maps Connect, we submitted an inquiry about submitting a client with a few hundred locations to Apple Maps.  Today we received the following email: “Thank you for your recent inquiry and interest in publishing your business locations via our new Business Portal. At this time, we are only accepting bulk submissions from businesses with at…

Yext Duplicate Listings Suppression Launches (aka Powerlistings Über)

Yext launched a duplicate business listings suppression service today they are calling Powerlistings Über. That’s fancy talk for saying you can now kill duplicate business listings on publishers in the Yext Powerlistings Network with extreme prejudice. For those of you who have tried to squash duplicate citations and found it to be an endless and expensive game of whack a mole, you may want to check out Yext. Here’s how it works: Yext automatically identifies duplicate listings on a particular…

Yext Launches Store Locator Pages

Today Yext announced the launch of Yext Pages – a store location finder service that complements its Powerlistings local listings management service. Pretty cool stuff if you are local brand manager who can’t seem to get your IT department to get around to updating/building location pages.  And automatically keeping your onsite location pages in sync with your business listings data on the Powerlistings network is a nice bonus. Yext asked me to put together a white paper on location landing…

Yext Quarterly Social & Local Hot Off The Presses

Yext has just released the latest Yext Quarterly, a report on Social & Local search trends produced by Greg Sterling and yours truly.  From Yext CEO, Howard Lerman’s intro: “If you had asked me five years ago how maps and local search would evolve, I would have said that the most important entity is the places. Specifically, the data about what businesses there are, and where those businesses are located. But I was wrong. It turns out that when it…