IHob’s SEO Berson Is Brobably Buking Right Now…I Know I Am

It must be tempting for a brand to try to do the fun, edgy social media thing, like tease a new promotion or rebranding: For 60 pancakin’ years, we’ve been IHOP. Now, we’re flippin’ our name to IHOb. Find out what it could b on 6.11.18. #IHOb pic.twitter.com/evSxKV3QmT — IHOb (@IHOb) Dear Internet, we abbreciate your batience. Now let’s see who guessed right. B-hold!!!!! #IHOb pic.twitter.com/Fh3SkZ7s3Y — IHOb (@IHOb) June 11, 2018 com/IHOb/status/1003682801042915328?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>June 4, 2018 IHOb? What could it b?…

Twitter Is Dying. #Period.

UPDATE: I AM AN IDIOT. APPARENTLY TWITTER FIXED THE PERIOD PROBLEM LAST YEAR AND I DID NOT GET THE MEMO. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GROW UP WITH UHF. Wherever you see “period”, please substitute threaded conversations with multiple people, bots, nazis, lists, and anything else you want to complain about Growing up, we had a TV that got UHF, sort of. You had to find a channel that seemed to have reception and then hold the round antennae…

Does Twitter Help SEO?

One of the more popular questions right? While I am sure the Googlers have been trying to figure out how Tweets can be a proxy for links, even though Matt Cutts claims Google is “leery” of social signals, I thought the social media reactions to yesterday’s post about Groupon SEO could illustrate Twitter’s SEO effect nicely. According to the Twitter widget on the post, it has received 86 RTs thus far.  Not bad.  But since Google doesn’t have access to the…

@MattCutts Goes For His Google+ Bonus…

Matt Cutts’ most recent G+ post: and his latest Tweet: Thing is, the whole “Hobbit-Meets-Google-Maps” thing would probably have a better chance of exposing new users to Google Plus v. the links thing.

It’s MayDay for Yellow Pages Sites

image liberally appropriated from Roger Hollander Thanks to Vanessa Fox as always for eliciting grains of truth from Google.  At last week’s Google I/O conference Matt Cutts confirmed that there was an algo change at the beginning of May that will likely be affecting sites that generate a lot of long-tail traffic:  ”this is an algorithmic change in Google, looking for higher quality sites to surface for long tail queries. It went through vigorous testing and isn’t going to be…

Learn Local Search Via Twitter

I had a lot of fun with using embedded Tweets to extract some useful tips from last weeks LocalU conference in Minneapolis.  Here’s a sample: Mike Blumenthal @AaronWeich leading search ranking is like BigFoot….very blurry < p class=”bbpTweet”>@Mary Bowling There is no trick to SEO. It’s a process. Make your website unblurry.  @Aaron Weiche Oh BOY! @marybowling is breaking down keyword research & data on plastic surgery & breast augmentation. Never saw that coming. Read the full piece at SEL

Real Time Search Ranking Factors #SMX

The most interesting info in the Real Time Search panel at SMX is how each of the engines looks at RTS data algorithmically and how it contributes to ranking in Web search results.  Some real-time blogging: From BING: Sean Suchter The major types of data they look at in the real time search stream: Meta Data: URL referrals Retweet counts Primary Data: images Tweet/Blog content New things to consider: People retweeting what you said/links Trust worthy peple sharing your links…

Google Social Search Not Very Local Yet

I just checked out Google’s new Social Search experiment.  The idea is that Google can index information from your social network and display relevant content in your search results.  For more detail read Danny Sullivan’s post on the launch.  Here’s Danny’s summary scenario on how the system could work: Google sees I have a friend on Twitter That friend links to their blog from their Twitter profile Google understands that they are connected to that blog The friend’s blog has…

Twitter Location API: The Trojan Horse of Local Search?

Twitter just announced it’s launching an API that will allow developers to add latitude & longitude to any tweet. There’s all sorts of funky services this could lead to such as a site that tracks the locations of Twitter spammers for people to drop nukes on and such (if they are dumb enough to opt in).  But I am thinking this could be a pretty big deal for players in the local search industry for the following reasons:

PlacePop: YATLA (Yet Another Twitter Local App)

Just caught up with Kent Lindstrom, founder of PlacePop and former CEO of Friendster, a new “lightweight” local search app that has a kind of Twittery feel to it.  The service encourages users to “share where you go with friends”, “see who else goes where you do” and follow activity that occurs at different places (aka businesses). The way it works is you add a place to the site by searching for it in the database, selecting it and then…