Ecommerce SEO Best Practices: How to Improve Your Ecommerce SEO and What Ecommerce Sites Can Learn From Unicorn Startups

TLDR; SEO Strategy and the ability to capture more organic traffic are becoming increasingly important for e-commerce businesses’ digital marketing strategy as more customers search and shop online over retail. This makes SEO proportionately more relevant for e-commerce so it’s important to know which aspects of SEO are most impactful. This article covers seven e-commerce unicorns (startups with a value of over 1 billion) as a survey of innovative ecommerce SEO best practices and some things to not do. Major…

Up to 50% Of Potentially Converting Keywords Show No Volume in 3rd Party Tools

DAN, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Sorry, friend. But it just has to be this way. For those who haven’t been playing along at home, I did a comparison study on using 3rd party tools for search volume data against native Google data. If you haven’t read it, I highly suggest checking it out before continuing. In the discussion that ensued, I got a great idea 💡on how to dive deeper into my comparison via looking at the…

Can You Trust SEO Tools for B2B Keyword Research?

Goddamnit Dan, stop making our lives harder! Sorry, you feel that way, random internet person, but hopefully, this post makes your lives easier! Anyway, this tweet by friend of the show John-Henry Scherck got me thinking Are these tools trustworthy in the B2B Saas space? In the thread above, Russ Jones, who works on Keyword Explorer and other things at Moz, had this to say: So let’s all agree that this is a very difficult problem to solve and that…

Start-Ups & Chasing The SEO Dragon

Yesterday I had a call with a start-up client whose SEO has been performing quite well. Since July, their organic traffic had grown by almost 700%, but growth had slowed most likely because of some site updates that screwed up their SEO (note to client – check with your SEO before you update the site). The issues got fixed and the traffic had started to grow again, but the team was getting itchy. The gist of the call was what was…

The Labor of SEO…

A couple of weeks ago, I was having a great day and tried to pass on the positive vibes with Lucky To Be In Local SEO! Today I am sure many of our U.S.-based readers have their heads way out the door in anticipation of the three-day Labor Day weekend so I thought I’d try to kick off the holiday with another sunshine and rainbows post on the labor of SEO… When we talk about what our mission statement is at…

The Power of SEO for Startups

I’ve been spending a lot of time talking about Google+ and sometimes it’s nice to remind myself that good old-fashioned meat-and-potatoes SEO still works, and can be critical to start-ups trying to break into a market.  To wit, here’s the organic traffic chart for a start-up that has a great service but had little traction in Google…until this past week… UPDATE: Their organic traffic jumped by 50% yesterday. #Krazy

Local Search, Start-Ups, SEO & the Big Enema

Recently there has been a good deal of prognostication on the fate of start-ups in the wake of the current economic enema.  And while things are definitely getting tighter and companies are getting more cautious with their spending, I have a suspicion that local/SMB oriented Web start-ups might have a slightly easier time of things. It’s not that local companies won’t have a hard time raising money or generating revenue (particularly from SMBs that are having a hard time themselves),…

Sequoia Capital Recommends SEO in an Economic Downturn

Apparently Sequoia Capital had a meeting with its portfolio companies this week where they gave them some grim advice for how to weather the bad economy.  One of the talking points that stood out for me from this report of the meeting: In a downturn, aggressive PR and Communications strategy is key. To continue on my self-serving post series, I interpret this as a strong recommendation to focus on high ROI marketing efforts like SEO.  If their is huge uncertainty…

The SEO Success Pyramid

As a follow up to my post on the true cost of SEO I recommend you check out the SEO Success Pyramid on Matt McGee’s blog.  I recently was explaining how SEO works to the board of one of my clients in the flooring industry and they found it very helpful.  Thanks Matt.

The True Cost of SEO

I was speaking to a potential client last week and he mentioned that he had already spent a lot on PPC and now wanted to try SEO so he could get some “free traffic”. I hear this all of the time. While SEO can provide an amazing ROI, there still are costs associated with it — and they can add up. So for all of you readers out there who are thinking about hiring a SEO consultant, here are some…