Moving Your Business Location For Dummies

At this late date, if you are not taking care of your local listings on the Web when you move your business, congratulate yourself for being royally out of touch with how business works in 2017. Last week I headed over to my dentist, Home Page DDS, for a cleaning and on the way recalled when I was there in November he had mentioned he was moving locations. While driving, I asked both Apple Maps and Google Maps for his…

“The SEO Butcher Is Not Working Anymore…”

This gem just landed in the inbox. Remember when you thought serving SMBs would be cool? From: [REDACTED] Subject: SEO Message Body: I do not mean to waste anybody’s time, nor do I wish to ask a taxi to drive me home for free, I have questions and spend countless hours thinking I have something figured out only to realize after spending a night on what I thought was the way to Los Angeles and wondering why I am in…

Anatomy of a Local SEO Campaign

Source: The Internet Client Information Intake Research > Strategy Recommendations Site Audit > Upgrade NAP/Citation Audit > Fix Issues On Site Content Creation Off Site Content Creation Review Generation Link Research > Link Outreach Clean Up Link SPAM From Previous SEO Firms Rinse Repeat  

The Small Business SEO Agency Reseller Model

I tend to get a lot of calls from start-ups trying to go the small business SEO agency reseller route to get their services in the hands of SMBs.  Often they are looking for feedback on their service, introductions to potential resellers, or a SEO strategy to get in front of potential customers.  I have had this conversation so often in the past month, that I figured I would save everyone some time and give you my initial feedback on…

Are SMBs Impossible To Serve Well, Google Et Al?

Mike Blumenthal’s instant classic Google Local: Train Wreck at the Junction has spawned a lively Google Plus thread where various Localistas have been wringing their hands as to why oh why can’t Google stop screwing SMBs. While I am in agreement that Google Plus Place Local Multi Merge for Business Dashboardgate has been absolutely no fun, to me it seems like just the latest in an ongoing saga of companies trying to serve SMBs and falling short. While Google and…

NewsFlash: SMB Websites Suck

This was my favorite piece of data that came out of the BIAKelsey ILMWest show:   (For the bots) Only 13% have a local phone number on their homepage #insane Only 24% have an email address on the site #alsoinsane 36% of these sites are single page #couldbeofficial

Ebay’s Local Strategy

Leena Rao tries to make sense of Ebay’s recent acquisitions: t’s no secret that eBay has been heavily investing in a local commerce strategy. The central core of this is trying to capitalize on the $917 million online-to-offline buying market, which Forrester estimates will eventually reach $1.3 trillion (although this number seems low) and account for nearly 50% of total retail sales by 2013. Virtually every acquisition in the past year (besides the company’s $2.4 billion purchase of GSI Commerce)…

The Best Models are Closed-Loop

Listening to Neil Salvage, EVP of CityGrid Media, speaking at the Local Search Association Conference on selling marketing services to SMBs. The advantages of the closed loop model (OpenTable, Groupon, etc.) – The advertiser knows it’s working. QED.

Is Gmail Your Biggest Competitor?

I logged into Gmail today and saw the following message: Ironically a second later I got the following email from a client: So you probably already know this, but thought I would share.  I am working on an email to past customers, and in the process of testing it, I send a copy to my work email, and aol email and a gmail email.  Apparently when you send to an email hosted by the great google gods, they decide to…

Yext Tags Cracks Self-Serve SMBs? #ILMEast

UPDATE 11.25.12: Since I wrote this over a year ago, a lot has changed.  Yext has pivoted its business away from pay-per-call to business listings management to help you manage your yellow pages listings from a single dashboard.  The service is called Yext PowerListings. Yext Powerlistings can automatically update your business’ information across 50+ of the top local search sites out there including Yelp, Yahoo Local, SuperPages and more.  They also now do review monitoring. It’s not free, but the…