The Best SEO Slack Apps & Integrations

Slack is one of the most effective communication tools for digital marketing agencies. Slack’s ability to group conversations into Slack channels so that participants can convene in one location to exchange ideas, reach decisions, and advance work makes it a powerful tool for collaboration. It also offers a number of very useful Slack integrations and apps that help with a laundry list of SEO tasks like content marketing, link building, and generating Slack notifications for SEO reports and project management.…

Some Cool SEO Uses For ChatGPT

Over the past month, there have been a number of articles about how to use ChatGPT’s AI to improve SEO productivity. So I figured it was my duty to pile on. Here now I present 22 cool SEO things you can do with ChatGPT:  1. Generate quick breadcrumb navigation HTML for web pages 2. Identify schema markup 3. Generate structured JSON-LD structured data 4. Generating Regex statements These can be useful in a few ways such as plugging them into…


Almost seven years ago today, LSG released its first-ever free tool, NAP Hunter. NAP Hunter was a free Chrome extension that “basically runs a set of standard N.A.P. queries through Google so you can quickly find various citations, their URLs and their Google position.”

Live Blogging the 2020 Election with Scalable Google Trends

7:15 pm PDT update Well, things are moving right along in this election. I’m going to try to keep these short and sweet to avoid devolving into political commentary lol. First observation, people are really focusing on “battleground” states and North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin are all in focus. Also people are focusing on the Senate and who will have control of that after the election is over (see below.) Also, a civil unrest query has popped into the top rising…

What Even Is An SEO? (Can We Please Stop Talking About HTML)

Hi friends, it’s me Dan. Your friendly SEO curmudgeon in training. Recently the SEO community (cough cough, SEO Twitter) has been caught up in a veritable tizzy about knowing HTML. Beyond the obvious epistemological considerations, I think there is a real ontological question raised by the primacy of HTML as a programming language in the SEOs toolkit. It’s hard to have these conversations when we probably aren’t all on the same page about what “knowing” something means. When can I…

Update to Aggregate Lighthouse Reporter

Hey everyone! It’s been a hot minute since I posted so just wanted to quickly come in here and share an update we made to a free tool. A while back we released a tool that would allow you to aggregate Lighthouse reports by template and visualize and report on assets across sites and at the template/page level in Google Data Studio. Sounds pretty cool right? You can read about it here and check out the GitHub repo here. Shortly…

Up to 50% Of Potentially Converting Keywords Show No Volume in 3rd Party Tools

DAN, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Sorry, friend. But it just has to be this way. For those who haven’t been playing along at home, I did a comparison study on using 3rd party tools for search volume data against native Google data. If you haven’t read it, I highly suggest checking it out before continuing. In the discussion that ensued, I got a great idea 💡on how to dive deeper into my comparison via looking at the…

Can You Trust SEO Tools for B2B Keyword Research?

Goddamnit Dan, stop making our lives harder! Sorry, you feel that way, random internet person, but hopefully, this post makes your lives easier! Anyway, this tweet by friend of the show John-Henry Scherck got me thinking Are these tools trustworthy in the B2B Saas space? In the thread above, Russ Jones, who works on Keyword Explorer and other things at Moz, had this to say: So let’s all agree that this is a very difficult problem to solve and that…

Aggregate & Automate Performance Reporting With Lighthouse & Google Data Studio

WTF Dan? I can’t even say that title, it’s a mouthful! Sorry, random internet stranger but it sounds smart! Anyways, performance reporting is good for SEO right? Speed is a critical ranking factor, it’s good for users, and we all just want to feel the need for it. But enterprise-class performance reporting dashboards are tough. Especially ones that are easy to spin up automatically, low resource and actionable. Do these look like something you would want to have? Would surfacing…