Want to Know About The Definitive Local SEO Ranking Factors?

Then come check out my session at SMX East 😉 On Tuesday, I’m going to go over what the data truly says about ranking in local pack results. Do you need to focus on link building?  Is there even such a thing as a “#1” ranking factor? What value do traditional local signals, like citations, still have the rapidly changing world of local search. I will also be teasing some data from the unreleased 2017 Local SEO Ranking Factors, so…

When SEO Invades Your Privacy…Policy URL

via GIPHY I just discovered this morning that an e-commerce client had changed its privacy policy URL (thanks SEORadar!) but had not bothered to redirect their old privacy policy URL to the new one. I guarantee my in-house client had no idea this change was happening (we do have a lot in common). I imagine the Legal department decided they had to update the privacy policy “immediately!”, sent it to the developers and it got pushed live.

How to do a Toxic Link Analysis in 10 Minutes with Majestic

Looking for link issues can be a really time consuming and labor intensive problem. Thanks to Majestic, and their killer proprietary link metrics, it can be much easier to get a quick view into potential link issues. A client recently reached out and let us know that they thought they were having some issues with the recent Penguin roll out.This client has a very large site and have had some link issues in the past, so it’s definitely something that warranted investigation.…

Quick And Dirty 15 Minute Content Audit

Since our clients run the gamut of non-local, multi-location, hyperlocal and agencies we are constantly working deliverables that: Provide valuable data Are relatively quick to put together One of the biggest requests we get is from clients that ask us to examine both their content and the content of their competitors. The most common reasons for this is they are looking for us to tell them where content ranks based on some metrics: What content drives traffic What content gets…

Local Link Building Is Not Just For Local Businesses

When I saw that Rand, over at Moz, released a whiteboard friday about local link building for non-local sites I jumped for joy. A few people in the Local SEO space have been talking about this for a while, and it’s awesome to have Rand using his megaphone to draw attention to it. I wanted to add some case study data, just to show this isn’t just some theoretical thing. It’s something that can be done relatively at scale, and have a massive…

Is This The Most Important Number in Local SEO?

Based on the 2016 Local SEO Ranking Factors I think it’s safe to say that links are by far the most important ranking factor, and competitive difference maker in Local SEO. But I wanted to take it one step further, I wanted to figure out what the most important number in all of Local SEO was, and here it is: 3.5 3.5 is the average Majestic AC rank for 10,703 business that are showing up in the Local Pack. Obviously, this isn’t going…

Trump For San Antonio Web Designer

I was intrigued when these showed up on Twitter this weekend: 1: So a little quick research: Trump digital director Brad Parscale owns a small web design firm in Texas. Seems successful. But def … — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 21, 2016 Paid Parscales company $8m+. Seems like that’s self dealing but very standard way campaign work. Digital or ad guy is on campaign but … — Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) August 21, 2016 Folks in biz, pls share. But having…

One Link Disavowal Spreadsheet Hack To Rule Them All…

News Flash: Link disavowal research for a hacked client with a ton of backlinks is a huge PITA. Thankfully, I have figured out a cool way to save a huge amount of time keeping spam links in check while maintaining my sanity thanks to Excel’s Conditional Formatting tool. For my very first post on LocalSEOGuide, I figured I’d geek out for you…  

Redfin Needs To Get Real About Zillow & Real Estate SEO

Today online real estate brokerage Redfin sent real estate portal Zillow an open letter basically calling Zillow out for not playing nice SEO-wise and demanding that Zillow change its ways to benefit Redfin’s and other brokerages’ websites’ SEO. Redfin’s SEO complaints boil down to: Zillow takes Redfin’s real estate listings and puts the links back to the listing on Redfin.com in javascript so Google doesn’t see the link and give Redfin any SEO benefit As a “portal”, Zillow is under…

2014 Local Directory SEO Content Strategy

This post was originally published on Search Engine Land, but I didn’t like how they rewrote the title so here’s the director’s cut: To:           Local Directories From:      Google Re:           Local Search Rankings Hey guys… You may have noticed that over the past year, a lot of the organic traffic to your sites has been… well, we guess the right word is “tanking.” As you know, it is our stated goal…