Google Local Results Are Taking Over The World

Many of my international clients have been living without Google+ Local results I guess because Google couldn’t license a reliable set of data to bounce its crawl info off of.  A common discussion with international yellow pages clients is whether or not they should license their data to Google (IMO I think they should.  Better to get in bed with the beast before your competitors after all).  And now it looks like Google+ Local is methodically making its way around…

SEO in Emerging Markets is Hot!

Earlier this week I spent a few days in Barbados as a guest of Global Directories where, along with Randy Orth & Vince Graziano of EM4B, we ran a local online marketing seminar for about 200 Barbadian businesses. As I went through my talk about how to get ranked for searches like “Barbados car rental” it occurred to me that emerging markets like Barbados are really interesting opportunities SEO-wise. It’s basically still 2005 down there: Many SMBs still don’t have…

SMX Advanced: International SEO & Site Architecture

Cindy Krum Issues: Multiple languages, currencies, seasonality Different search engines Different e-commerce laws Things to Consider Design, dev & maintenance cost server config & hosting location CMS & order fulfillment Email, DM, Affiliate and PPC SEO One Site Approach Everyone goes to a .com and you send users to specific subdomains or directories based on their language/nationality. Use subdomains or directories with language, country or keyword groupings such as: Pros: easy to set up all links to…

SMX Advanced: International SEO – Andy Atkins-Kruger

Andy Atkins-Kruger Code pages with UTF-8 Don’t just “translate” page titles & meta descriptions. Adopt a global PR strategy Manage 301s – typical global site have a lot of redirection, broken page issues and meta refreshes that can screw things up Keywords in URLs Source local links Use a smart “geo-selector” -basically understand your market – language, links, etc. Keyword research – “30% off” doesn’t work in Polish CCTLDs or local hosting Language & Content Presentation -Bots have problems distinguishing…

SMX Advanced: International SEO Part – Ian McAnerin

Ian McAnerin: When we talk about geolocation we are talking about a page, not a site How bots identify a webpage as belonging to a particular country First the bot checks the CCLD (.ca, .cn,.uk) If no CCLD (e.g. .com) then the bot will look at IP Address If they still can’t tell they rely on link analysis CCTLD Location:  spider crawls then then and figures the domain is Canadian Geolocation of Website Based on Hosting Location …