SMX Advanced: International SEO Part – Ian McAnerin

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by andrewsho

Ian McAnerin: When we talk about geolocation we are talking about a page, not a site

How bots identify a webpage as belonging to a particular country

  • First the bot checks the CCLD (.ca, .cn,.uk)
  • If no CCLD (e.g. .com) then the bot will look at IP Address
  • If they still can’t tell they rely on link analysis

CCTLD Location: 

spider crawls



and figures the domain is Canadian

Geolocation of Website Based on Hosting Location 

if your site is hosted in another country, you’ll want to make sure you can get displayed in your country’s search engine.

If you have multiple urls Google will likely display whichever one has more links to it.

“Park” your as the home page – return a 200 response code

Link in your sitemap to pages with .ca ccld

Get inbound links to your .com home page.

Google will determine that you are a .ca site and you can appear in the .ca search engine but it will display the .com domain in the results.

How to Translate “Expression Equivalency”

  1. Write your marketing text in English

  2. Strip the doc of its soul

  3. Get a translator to translate the soulless doc

  4. Get a pro writer in the new language to rewrite.

Asian sites have too many links

Use Nofollow, strategic internal links and other bot-herding techniques

If you are using language switching send the user to the same page with the different language.


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