Live Blogging the 2020 Election with Scalable Google Trends

7:15 pm PDT update Well, things are moving right along in this election. I’m going to try to keep these short and sweet to avoid devolving into political commentary lol. First observation, people are really focusing on “battleground” states and North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin are all in focus. Also people are focusing on the Senate and who will have control of that after the election is over (see below.) Also, a civil unrest query has popped into the top rising…

The Best Top Local SEO Blog Near You 2020!

I did not expect to open my inbox this morning to find that LSG has been voted the Top Local SEO Blog of 2020 on BrightLocal but 2020 has been throwing curve balls all year so why should today be any different? I’d like to thank the Academy, my family, and SEOTwitter, but most of all, I’d like to thank the amazing team we have here at LSG. Dan, Tess, Nick, Nik, Amber, Steven, Zoe, Heckler, Sam, Aimee, Wesley, Celia,…

What Even Is An SEO? (Can We Please Stop Talking About HTML)

Hi friends, it’s me Dan. Your friendly SEO curmudgeon in training. Recently the SEO community (cough cough, SEO Twitter) has been caught up in a veritable tizzy about knowing HTML. Beyond the obvious epistemological considerations, I think there is a real ontological question raised by the primacy of HTML as a programming language in the SEOs toolkit. It’s hard to have these conversations when we probably aren’t all on the same page about what “knowing” something means. When can I…

Update to Aggregate Lighthouse Reporter

Hey everyone! It’s been a hot minute since I posted so just wanted to quickly come in here and share an update we made to a free tool. A while back we released a tool that would allow you to aggregate Lighthouse reports by template and visualize and report on assets across sites and at the template/page level in Google Data Studio. Sounds pretty cool right? You can read about it here and check out the GitHub repo here. Shortly…

Some Digital Agencies Treat SEO Like Wearing a Face Mask

LSG is hiring for a Senior Director of SEO position and I have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of great SEOs over the past week. Thanks to the growth of our industry over the past few years and COVID-19, it feels like there’s an ocean of highly skilled talent out there. But the pandemic has exposed an ugly side of the digital marketing industry – most agencies are happy to take SEO money while simultaneously not giving…

Is This Thing On?

What a week. What a year. Not sure about the rest of you but around these parts SEO doesn’t seem so relevant right now. The country is in the midst of some deep soul searching brought on by a fierce and rapid grass roots struggle to end the extrajudicial killing by police in the Black community. I think about this stuff a lot. Honestly. This isn’t a brag actually, it’s a beat. We have long wanted to field a diverse…

How to Scale Content Production That Doesn’t Suck

Soon after Local SEO Guide hired me last year, one of our multi-location retailer clients asked us to produce a few hundred buying guides for all sorts of products they sell. Bulk napkins, refrigerators, laundry detergent, you name it. My first big project! The timeline was about one month, on top of overlapping deadlines for other client projects. As the new content guy, I had to figure out how to make this happen without drowning. But hot damn, that’s a…

Is SEO Really Recession-Proof?

I have seen a lot of “It’s the best time to invest in SEO!” chatter on the socials. The Rt value of that message is definitely >1 in this industry, and it is certainly in my interest to believe it. But is it true or just the usual self-serving rap boast by a profession that thinks itself the most gangsta in all of digital marketing? Oh sorry, that’s the affiliate marketers… In 2008, at the height of the Vampire Squid…

The Cruelty of the Paycheck Protection Program

If you are a small business owner and were not awake late last night and early this morning endlessly refreshing your browser scouring Twitter for information, your hopefully peaceful night’s sleep may be the last you can enjoy for some time. I was fortunate enough to get a call from a financial advisor (not to mention fortunate enough to have a financial advisor) earlier this week telling me that his firm was encouraging all of their clients to apply for…

RICE Model Forecasting for SEO

Investing in anything at the moment is not an easy decision. Now imagine you have to invest in something as perceptually flaky as SEO. Now imagine you have to convince someone else to invest in SEO. You’d better have your shit together. With that in mind, I’d like to offer you Local SEO Guide’s version of the RICE Model for SEO. The RICE Model provides a data-driven way to forecast potential results from SEO projects. While it’s by no means…