10 Local SEO Predictions for 2019: Job Security For Local SEOs

SMBs As a Group Will Continue To Not Get SEO A little over a year ago, my dentist moved his office but never thought about updating his listing in Google Maps, Apple Maps or his website. I showed him how to fix the issue, but this morning on the way to my end of the year teeth cleaning, not only was his old location back on Apple Maps, but he had also decided to change his business name from Joseph…

Should Anyone Even Care If Google Now Powers SIRI Results?

Now that Apple has switched from Bing to Google for SIRI’s web search results, I have been trying to wrap my head around the implications for our clients. In keeping with Apple’s secretive ways, it’s not exactly clear there are any. Here’s a voice query result for “outdoor seat cushions”:   The results are typically presented as a set of five results in an iOS tile showing the title, description snippet and URL.

Stop Ignoring Bing Webmaster Tools

At the beginning of every new engagement we ask clients for access to their Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Adwords data, Bing Webmaster Tools and any other analytics they have. 95% of the time, the client does not have Bing Webmaster Tools set up and 50% of the time they don’t want to go through the (very minor) hassle of setting it up. Most clients are pretty focused on Google of course, but in some cases Bing can still drive…

The Google Keyword Tool – a 301 or a 410 for SEOs?

SEM savant Marty Weintraub has an excellent post on the dumbing down of the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Google owns the largest first-hand sampling of query data in many parts of the world. Now, breaking rank with 15+ years of holistic search engine open-source tradition, Google has decided marketers should no longer have easy access to the long, or even mid tail data (search inventory), unless the keyword has demonstrated “commercial” characteristics historically. Effectively, in tandem with the well-established user-herding…

Looking for a Cool Microsoft Marketing Job in Seattle?

Since this blog’s readers are mainly from the search marketing & local search industries, I’ve often thought I should add a job board for local search jobs.  I regularly get requests from readers to promote their job openings so maybe one of these days I’ll get around to doing one. As a little test I’ve posted a job Microsoft pinged me about yesterday.  Here’s a summary of the position.  If you are into SMB marketing (and acronyms) this could be…

Yusef Mehdi’s #Bing Keynote at #SMX Notes

Some of the more interesting data that Mehdi mentioned: When looking for a lake tahoe house rental, in a four hour session, the searcher repeats some queries as much as 6 times Mobile search behavior gets users to intent much faster than traditional search 40% of purchases happen two weeks or later after product search query 70% of mobile search intent completed in 1 hour 80% completed in one day

Real Time Search Ranking Factors #SMX

The most interesting info in the Real Time Search panel at SMX is how each of the engines looks at RTS data algorithmically and how it contributes to ranking in Web search results.  Some real-time blogging: From BING: Sean Suchter The major types of data they look at in the real time search stream: Meta Data: URL referrals Retweet counts Primary Data: images Tweet/Blog content New things to consider: People retweeting what you said/links Trust worthy peple sharing your links…

Bing Search Market Share – Day One

With the launch of Bing I was curious to see how much traffic it would drive to my clients’ sites.  So I dug into Google Analytics and pulled out the following data for ten sites of varying sizes (Note to Google Analytics team: please put Bing.com referrals in the Search Engines report instead of the Referring Sites report): Bing Accounted for 5% of All Search Engine Visits Not bad for the new kid on the block. Bing Has Improved MS’…