SEO The LSG Way: Cognitive Bias and False Precision in our SERP Mental Model

DAN THAT IS A MOUTHFUL! In another life I was an academic random internet person, deal with it and move on. So a couple of members of the team have been pushing me to document the Local SEO Guide approach to SEO and a topic came up internally over the past few weeks that I think is a great example. I think the mental model we have for approaching SERPs and rankings is broken. Specifically, it’s causing people to misunderstand…

In-House SEOs & Outside SEO Consultants Have A Lot In Common

Last night I attended a gathering of mostly in-house SEOs in San Francisco, many from brands we all know. One of the goals of the event was to provide an open forum to share some of our current SEO challenges to get feedback from each other. It was amazing, or perhaps not, how remarkably consistent the sentiment was in almost every conversation I had: “The C-suite doesn’t (want to) understand SEO” “Design doesn’t want to accommodate SEO” (AKA “Steve Jobs…

Pouring One Out For Rand Fishkin

So Rand is “stepping away” from Moz… When I started trying to figure out SEO around 2003, I had no idea what I was doing. As I recall I stumbled onto a few voices that helped me start to make sense of things – some of the more memorable were Andy Beard, Aaron Wall and Rand Fishkin. Each of these guys in their own way provided me with a veritable lifeline as I started to understand that SEO was a key factor in…

The Labor of SEO…

A couple of weeks ago, I was having a great day and tried to pass on the positive vibes with Lucky To Be In Local SEO! Today I am sure many of our U.S.-based readers have their heads way out the door in anticipation of the three-day Labor Day weekend so I thought I’d try to kick off the holiday with another sunshine and rainbows post on the labor of SEO… When we talk about what our mission statement is at…

Yes Virginia, Publishing Does Help SEO…

  When you have been practicing SEO for years, you sometimes take the basics for granted. Then they hit you smack dab in the face and it’s like a breath of fresh air. Above is this blog’s organic traffic graph from November 29th, 2014 to today. While it’s hard to see, organic traffic for the last two days is about 20% higher than any Tues/Wed during the period. While there could be some seasonality to the trend, I think the…