Where The Hell Is Yellow Pages Connect?

So Facebook and Twitter are getting all of the attention for providing APIs that let developers recreate their services on their own sites.  This strategy has in part led to Twitter’s growth explosion.  So giving away your data seems to work – and neither of these sites has a killer revenue model. So why wouldn’t the big Yellow Pages co’s start giving away their data to smart developers who think they can build a better mousetrap – or perhaps a…

BOTW Local: Greg Hartnett Interview

When Best of the Web Local launched in August, I thought it was yet another wakeup call to Yellow Pages companies (both print and IYPs) that their business was under attack.  There are already thousands of IYP type sites out there, but when an established domain like BOTW.org launches one and combines that with the relationship it already has with small businesses, they can start to take both traffic and advertiser share away from the incumbents, even the start-up incumbents.…

IBegin: Update Business Information Once – See It Everywhere

Ahmed Farooq of IBegin pinged me yesterday to let me know that he has joined the growing list of companies that are trying to become a one stop shop for updating your business listing and making sure the listing is updated across the Web.  As someone who has spent countless hours updating some of my clients’ listings on the top directory sites, I can vouch for how helpful such a service can be.

Bulk Update Your Yellow Pages Data or Pay Someone Else To Do It?

There’s a minor commotion going on in the comments section of my popular post on how to update your yellow pages listings for free.   One of my readers has been talking to Localeze about their service to bulk update businesses with thousands of locations across a large number of local search sites, and wondering if it’s worth it. My initial assumption is that most of the big local search sites (and the little ones) would rather get their data…

Gib Olander of Localeze Says…

The fourth most searched local search site, according to Comscore, is “other”. And apparently the downturn in the economy has not hurt the psychiatry business.

Yellowbot SEO Analysis: Part One

Yellowbot made a big splash in the local search world earlier this year when they launched and grew very quickly for a site that was basically just a directory of businesses and service categories. Within three months of its launch the site reportedly had somewhere between 500,000 and 1,000,000 monthly visitors.

Why Is Your Business Information Out of Date?

How many times have you found out of date information about your business on the Web? At Insider Pages we averaged several inquiries per day from disgruntled businesses because we were displaying an incorrect phone number, address or name.

How To Add a Business To Internet Yellow Pages Listings For Free

It’s Mr. Data! Making sure your business’ location and services data is up to date across the Web is perhaps the most important thing you can do to help potential customers find you. And the Local SEO Guide is here to help. The sites listed below are some of the most important in the local search world. On most you can update the data they display about your business for free and who doesn’t like a free yellow pages listing?…