Moz Local Review – Does It Work?

(Editor’s note: This post has received some criticism that I “gamed” the outcome by using the unusual case of a two businesses with the same address and phone number. While I agree that the majority of businesses won’t have this issue, there still is a huge swath of them that do. We deal with them every day. That said, if you are one of the lucky businesses that is not affected by this kind of thing, then your results with Moz…

InsiderPages Launches DoctorFinder

Eric Peacock, GM of my old co. InsiderPages, pinged me last night to let me know that they had launched DoctorFinder, a partnership with Healthgrades to bring together in one place – user reviews, the insurance accepted by the doc and info on docs background record (no malpractice etc..) As I have mentioned previously I think we are going to see a lot of verticalization from local search providers over the next year. Angieslist is also going after doctors. Dex…

IYP SEO Rankings Report 2009

National IYPs (Internet Yellow Pages) have long been amongst the biggest benefactors of organic search engine traffic.  The typical IYP has north of 15MM business listings.  Add category pages, city pages, reviews, maps, etc and you are easily looking at a 50MM+ page site with a huge amount of high value & high volume keyword targets.  Many IYPs even use their Google rankings as part of their sales pitch.  When I got an email from one asking me to advertise…

Angies List: Flip Video Cameras For Doctor Reviews

When I started at InsiderPages, Yelp didn’t exist, but there was this service called AngiesList that we were obsessed with. AngiesList was a pioneer in figuring out how to get contractor reviews and ratings out of people. Back in the day, InsiderPages made a splash by giving out $5 Starbucks cards for five business reviews.  One of our then-rivals, Judysbook, came out with a promotion to give away iPods for 100 reviews.  Then Yahoo Local came out with giving away…

Get Your Business Reviews on Google Maps

Miriam Ellis just put together a fantastic post on all of the sites that Google Maps is using as sources for review information for the hospitality industry. Here’s the list: I recommend checking out Miriam’s post for some great insight into how to use this list to your advantage. My $0.02 as your Local SEO Guide is…

Why Is Your Business Information Out of Date?

How many times have you found out of date information about your business on the Web? At Insider Pages we averaged several inquiries per day from disgruntled businesses because we were displaying an incorrect phone number, address or name.

How To Add a Business To Internet Yellow Pages Listings For Free

It’s Mr. Data! Making sure your business’ location and services data is up to date across the Web is perhaps the most important thing you can do to help potential customers find you. And the Local SEO Guide is here to help. The sites listed below are some of the most important in the local search world. On most you can update the data they display about your business for free and who doesn’t like a free yellow pages listing?…

Take Back Your Reputation From The Online Yellow Pages: Just Say No to NoFollow!

Here’s part II of what I’ll be talking about at SMX Local in a few minutes. So you’re a business and you have a local website or websites you like (or don’t like but have been successful at not dealing with that issue). Your business info is listed all over the Web. You’re on a lot of the Internet Yellow Pages (IYPs) sites. They even link to your website from their page about you (I call it the Business Profile…