Local News Broadcasters Losing Billions While Google & Facebook Gaining

BIA Advisory Services reached out to me a few weeks ago for some feedback on a study about how the big online news platforms were affecting the businesses of local news broadcasters. In their recently published study commissioned by NAB, “The Economic Impact of Big Tech Platforms on the Viability of Local Broadcast News”, BIA estimates that local broadcasters lose $1.9B annually by supplying their content to Google & Facebook. The study concluded that none of these platforms allows broadcasters to…

Another Carousel Replacement Being Tested?

It looks like Google is testing yet another carousel replacement. This time it’s with the different “Points of Interest” searches in specific geos. This one looks different then the previous “new” carousel replacement that we had seen. So for those of you keeping score at home there are currently 3 carousels/replacements out there: 1) The newest addition to the bunch is this points of interest test, which certainly looks like a continued mobilization of SERPs. As David points out in the…

Google News Stopped Indexing Your Sitemap?

UPDATE: This just in from Chris Andrews, one of the top contributors to the Google News Help Forum “Google News is working on a system-wide fix for the ‘not in the Google News database‘ error-message error. Nothing is being done on an individual site basis, so publishers do not need to post their sites in the Google News Help Forum. It is already a known issue that is being worked on. Also, this error is not having an effect on…