Why You Should Outsource SEO Content Writing

TL;DR – Should you have an in-house content team or outsource? Outsourcing content writing to an SEO agency has a host of benefits. Here, we’ll review why it can be more effective to hire an SEO agency for content writing services. There are a lot of decisions to make when running a business, and one of the biggest is whether to outsource certain tasks or keep them in-house. When it comes to SEO content writing, there are some clear benefits…

Should SEOs Regret Focusing on Featured Snippets?

Remember when Google finagled with their system to make it so that you couldn’t double dip on Featured Snippets/Instant Answers (Get a Featured Snippet and rank on page 1 in 10 blue links). Well, there are a lot of people who have been skeptical about the value of this particular search feature in this new world. Were they right? Were we all fooled by Google into giving them free content for SERPs (Featured Snippets) that are great for their user…

How to Scale Content Production That Doesn’t Suck

Soon after Local SEO Guide hired me last year, one of our multi-location retailer clients asked us to produce a few hundred buying guides for all sorts of products they sell. Bulk napkins, refrigerators, laundry detergent, you name it. My first big project! The timeline was about one month, on top of overlapping deadlines for other client projects. As the new content guy, I had to figure out how to make this happen without drowning. But hot damn, that’s a…