Moz Local Review – Does It Work?

(Editor’s note: This post has received some criticism that I “gamed” the outcome by using the unusual case of a two businesses with the same address and phone number. While I agree that the majority of businesses won’t have this issue, there still is a huge swath of them that do. We deal with them every day. That said, if you are one of the lucky businesses that is not affected by this kind of thing, then your results with Moz…

We Enforced NAP Consistency At Scale Then This Happened

NAP consistency is something that is often researched, however generally it’s at a small scale and often the results are anecdotal. We wanted see what citation cleanup looked like at scale, and measure the results as best we could, so we partnered with Yext for one of a kind study on what happens when you enforce citation consistency on a 1.3k+ location national brand. The tl;dr on the methodology is this: Took baseline rankings of GMB pack presence for Brand X…

Our Citation Stack

I often get questions, and pitches, related to our “citation stack” so I figured it made sense to explain the thought process in a post. Our stack consists of 3 things: Yext Moz Local Manual citation audit/cleanup/building The reason for this is pretty simple. Yext & Moz Local are both pretty affordable tools for making waves right away. We can use Yext and get listings corrected and duplicates suppressed within their publishing network in a matter of minutes. This makes…

Even The Best Citations Can Suck

Recently Darren Shaw and the Whitespark team put out this resource on the best citation sources by category. While the resource is great, I think it falls into some common traps. I don’t want to get to deep into their methodology on how they selected citation sources, other then to say the list is likely sites that Google does consider authoritative in their verticals. More importantly, some of these sources comes with attached strings that can impact a business well beyond SEO.…

How To Find The Source of An Auto-Generated Google My Business Page in 30 Seconds

A dentist called me a few minutes ago with a request to help get rid of a Google My Business page that had been automatically created by Google. The page was for his nephew who had considered joining the practice but never did. Somehow Google got hold of his data and created the page. It will be easy enough to get Google to shut the page down via GMB support and I could quickly check the main data aggregators, but…

NAP Hunter! Lite now in the Chrome store

Hey local SEOers! NAP Hunter! Lite, our Chrome extension for citation research and audits, is now available in the Chrome store. This should streamline installations, so you can get to automating. For more info on how to run the extension check out the “How to Run NAP Hunter! Lite” section at the end of this page.

Introducing N.A.P. Hunter Lite!

Hey local SEO geniuses! We just released a free Google Chrome extension to help you speed through citation research. It’s called N.A.P. Hunter Lite. It basically runs a set of standard N.A.P. queries through Google so you can quickly find various citations, their URLs and their Google position. Check it out here and let me know what you think. Big kudos to Dan Leibson for spearheading this effort! It’s a great little tool.