How To Find The Source of An Auto-Generated Google My Business Page in 30 Seconds

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by andrewsho

A dentist called me a few minutes ago with a request to help get rid of a Google My Business page that had been automatically created by Google. The page was for his nephew who had considered joining the practice but never did. Somehow Google got hold of his data and created the page. It will be easy enough to get Google to shut the page down via GMB support and I could quickly check the main data aggregators, but I wanted to make sure we also nipped this problem at all possible sources of the data. But how to find them?

This is where our free Local SEO productivity tool, NAP Hunter, comes in:

I put the nephew’s name and the office location into NAP Hunter and hit “Hunt”:
NAP Hunter Screenshot


The app quickly generated browser tabs of Google SERPs for different combinations of the NAP elements.

Here’s one for NAME + ADDRESS:
Name + Address

The first result from had a full listing for Alexander Jubb at the business’ address:
ALexander Jubb Uhealthcompare



I then found this listing, strangely, in the NAME – ADDRESS SERP:

Alexander Jubb Angieslist

Here’s the complete profile on Angieslist:
Alexander Jubb Angieslist

And a CitySearch profile:

Alexander Jubb CitySearch

Knowing how these sites source data quickly led me to Factual which of course had a profile for Jubb:
Alexander Jubb Factual

And voila, mystery solved, in about 30 seconds, thanks to NAP Hunter.


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