Google Maps & Local Business Reviews: Caution!

If you are thinking about generating a lot of reviews for your business on Google Maps’ write a review feature, I recommend you read this post about a business who lost all of their reviews on Google Maps.  As Miriam Ellis of SolasWebDesign tells it, Canoe Sport in Houston, TX asked their customers to review their business on Google Maps and got over 30 reviews.  Unfortunately it seems like getting too many reviews too fast may have set off a…

How To Find Vicki Iseman’s Bio – The SEO Way

Ok this is not much of a SEO post but all politics is local right? I was catching up on the whole sort of alleged John McCain lobbyist affair with Vicki Iseman, a lobbyist for Alcade & Fay, and found a story about how Iseman’s bio was pulled from the firm’s website. If you are looking for the scintillating details of the other half of the McCain scandal all you have to do is go to Google and search the…

My First Local SEO Retraction

Hey gang, While on vacation in Mexico I published a post about Citysearch perhaps having some issues with Google by providing links to advertisers without adding a nofollow tag. Matt McGee rightly pointed out that Citysearch is linking to advertisers via a redirect that will not provide any SEO value and therefore is not in violation of Google’s policies. Not sure how I missed that one but I clearly may have had one or two margaritas too many when I…

The Benevolence of Google Towards SEO Sinners

I run a pretty white hat local search engine optimization operation here but I often am tempted by the so-called dark side. If you talk to some black-hatters out there it just seems way too easy to game search engines for short term gains. So once in a while I get the urge to try something out just to see what would happen.

How To Get Local Customers The Green Way

It’s always nice to see a wacky idea you throw out there take wing. Last month I wrote about how local businesses could market themselves on their local Freecycle group. Today I was talking to Matt McGee, Mr. Small Business Marketing himself, who relayed a story about how his wife, a realtor, took my advice and may have found herself a home buyer by giving away some old toys. In this housing market I consider this to be a huge…

The Page 2 Bump

With SEO sometimes the simplest tactics can have the biggest effect. Here’s some inexpensive SEO you can do today no matter how big or small your site is and probably get some quick results. I call it the “Page 2 Bump”. Look at the keywords that are sending you good to ok traffic. Check your site’s rank in Google for each keyword. Note all of the keywords that are on page 2 of Google and pick the one that is…

I Kill In New Zealand…

Check it out. G’day! Update: Local SEO New Zealand Local SEO Mexico Local SEO Japan And let’s not forget: Local SEO Luxembourg And my personal triumph: Soup Nazi!

Business Name Search: The SEO Battleground For Local Search Engines

With Google’s recent introduction of 10 yellow pages-like listings in Web search results for local queries, it is going to be harder for local search sites which depend on “category in city” search queries (e.g. “Plumbing Supplies in Pleasanton, CA”) for a lot of referral traffic from Google to get that traffic. If I were the SEO person at a yellow pages co or other local search service I might consider spending some more energy focusing on trying to rank…

Microhoo & Local Search

Might as well pile on the Microsoft/Yahoo bandwagon and add my $0.02. In a previous post on the new & improved Google local search results I implied that certain Yellow Pages companies might be getting a little agida at the prospect of Google pushing their sites farther down in the organic search results listings. Now with the news that Microsoft may be acquiring Yahoo that agida might turn into more of an ulcer. In short, this means a consolidation of…