Local Search Ranking Factors 2014 TL:DR

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by andrewsho

Ray Charles Sings The 2014 Local Search Ranking Factors!

David Mihm released the results of the 2014 Local Search Ranking Factors Survey today and per tradition, we will summarize the big headlines and then send you over to David’s post for the data.

I think this quote from David says it all, but if you want something to cut and paste into a “custom” audit for clients, try these:

Top 10 Local Search Ranking Factors*

  1. City, State in Landing Page Title
    Hi I’m from {insert location here}

  2. Domain Authority of Website
    Get some links; and then get some more links
  3. Page Authority of Landing Page URL
    Get some deep links; and then get some more deep links
  4. Quality/Authority of Inbound Links to Domain
    Don’t be linking your stinky-a%$ links to my beautiful site b!$ch
  5. Quality/Authority of Inbound Links to Landing Page URL
    And definitely do not pass that rotten juice to my landing page or I’ll cut you.
  6. Physical Address in City of Search
    I swear this is not a virtual office address. Pinky promise.
  7. Quality/Authority of Structured Citations
    One Yext Powerlisting with extra Dupe Suppression to go please
  8. Product / Service Keyword in Website URL
    Try something like localseoguide.com or applemapsmarketing.com or damnwtflol.com

  9. Click-Through Rate from Search Results
    Is Your Search Result Sexy?

  10. City, State in Landing Page H1/H2 Tags
    What this really means is use the City, State keywords prominently in the UI. Use whatever damn tag you want.

More guruliciousness here


*Your mileage may vary. Not available in stores.



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